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Alias Born 09/16/2009

Re: None

Saturday, 01/16/2010 12:04:17 PM

Saturday, January 16, 2010 12:04:17 PM

Post# of 111729
What are you buying when you purchase a position in a Pinksheet stock? Why do people place their money in such an investment vehicle? If you are not asking yourself these questions before committing funds to a stock such as BEHL, then you are doing it wrong. No matter what in the equity business there is absolutely no “GUARANTEE” you will make money. No matter how someone spins there are better investment vehicles there is no absolute you will meet your expectations.

So why invest in something like BEHL? What is the draw to place your money into such a highly risky proposition in which failure is highly likely given the success rate of any business just starting out? People play penny stock because of the ability to buy a huge position for lower equity for one. The volatility lends itself to an extreme environment that can make people lots of money or take away everything they threw at it. Those two pieces are the primary drivers of penny stock, large positions for smaller equity and volatility.

A start up business is fraught with difficult milestones that must be met in order to reach a successful operation. The business plan must be sound and have a reasonable outlook of profitability. The company must outline its mission statement in order for everyone internal and those external understand what they are in business for. The company must make its objectives and strategies clear not only for those who work for them but also those who invest their money into such a goal oriented plan. Does BEHL have these, yes and then some.

So what advantage does BEHL have currently that other stocks do not that may reduce such risk? For one two people invested their own money into BEHL before it became public, Dennis Shen and Nancy Fisher, their own personal finance paid for getting things ready to make this a company. Does anyone know what Dennis Shen does to make such money? Many do not know he operates a family business that imports goods from China. Much to the dismay of many negative posts about extravagant flights to far away places does any get a clue about the fact that BEHL is the secondary reasoning for those flights. The primary reason is for Dennis Shen and his family business. He uses the rest of the time to work deals for BEHL with his established NETWORK. The point is, using current resources to strike a deal since the second in command is over doing other business. These are not resources being wasted on trying to be a global power as some make it out to be but in fact an opportunity being used to capitalize on a larger target of potential customers.

This weeks photos showed a glimpse of what are things to come. Does anyone have a clue about the 180 degree bend and its purpose? To the laymen it looks like a fancy piece of plastic, just shiner than the old PVC part. But look a little closer, notice the compactness of the turn and compare it the PVC turns. You get more tubes in a smaller area increasing efficiency of use of space. The shiny appearance is much more than some Gucci eye candy crap, it is actually UV resistant, in other words it lasts about 3 to 5 years longer than PVC in direct sunlight. The air tube is integrated in the turn unlike the previous PVC solution, meaning it will be less likely to leak in the long run, durability is the key component of this piece. Is that just one piece for trial? I have a feeling there are enough to do the two PBR’s in both locations.

Culture stations? Did anyone notice that there were actual cultures growing in the one station? Appears to be at least 5 cultures in that working station that was being bombarded by light to get them ready for the seeding process. Wall units are ready for seeding, I wonder if RWE needs their cultures and wall unit? The 20th will come and go, and I am sure we will have some form of verification of what brought to RWE.

Between the President of RWE and the one worker who took the time to post that they are ready to get things started with BEHL I do not know which makes a stronger case of where this is going. On the one hand we have the worker who had no problem killing the ridiculous rumor that RWE laid people off and has no money, quickly refuted by “I have a job and by the way I am being paid regularly”. If that was not enough, another shareholders posts about a deal made between RWE and Siemens just in the month of December. Last we get Armstrong talking about using the BEHL PBR working on clearing the orders, and working with BEHL in future ventures, all during the same week. We have a strong JV partner that is ready to get things started.

Last thing, some of the comments just blow my mind up here, expectations of continuous PPS climb without profit taking. It takes all types of investors to make a stock trade, without long term holders the PPS would just dive into oblivion, without medium range traders we would not have sustained movements and without short term players we would not churn the stock. The overall result should be a movement upward, the low point of each selloff should be higher than the previous one, this instills the fact that we are gaining ground. The problem is it is just not fast enough to keep most people happy, they want the instant gratification of seeing it move up. How long did it take the stock to move down to here? How long do you think it will take to move up? Think about it for a moment, the only way this is moving up any faster is if the company delivers news of increased revenues, otherwise slow accumulation until that point with short term plays in the interim.

Which goes back to the opening statement, volatility will continue to be there, but as the price rises the less the volatility becomes. It will always be there, it is in all stock, but in this case with BEHL you are at the extreme of the spectrum of cheap price and highly risky. Not something to bet your life savings on and end up in the hospital for, the better vehicle for that is government bonds, and if you are feeling risky try some index funds. The sob stories of lost fortunes although touching are not because of the company, but because of investor timing, in this case they were premature and also did not take the opportunity when it presented itself to take profits in an unrealistic spike of exuberance.

Just something to chew on or spit it out, whatever fits your perspective.