Seriously, lots to think about it.
Spent a lot of time pondering my position this weekend but ultimately concluded I was not invested here because of DR, I was invested here because of the technologies.
Also came to the following conclussions. Number one, I think this may speed up the time table to see return on my investment as I think without DR at the helm the new leaders are more likely to take a buyout and "cash out" of CTGI so to speak. Number two, the overall ceiling for CTGI has lowered given that scenario, but even low end buyouts IMO would be at a price significantly higher than we are trading now. Even if we sold at 1.00/share, which is IMO ridiculously cheap for these technologies, your still looking at, what, 600% over todays levels? $50 million for our two main techs seems to be lowballing it a bit.