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Alias Born 06/16/2009

Re: Buzzie post# 10338

Thursday, 12/24/2009 8:57:30 AM

Thursday, December 24, 2009 8:57:30 AM

Post# of 78503
Very good news. QEDN is now Current on No company that is content with folding would make it point to remain current with Two of their filings come within the last two days. This shows the company is very active and aware of its share price. I'm holding. There are people on here who are trying to get you to sell so that they may pick up your cheap shares. They will try and scare you. But we know that if this reverse merger goes through, and all signs indicate that this is the case, the share price is going to rocket to at least .003 or more. Be patient. Those selling are simply impatient or need the funds. The O/S has not risin; there is no dilution--FACT--Hold on to those shares, you will be rewarded.. Dont fall into the trap of listening to those who want to scare you...GLTA