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Friday, 10/29/2004 1:25:36 PM

Friday, October 29, 2004 1:25:36 PM

Post# of 11
Leaders join U of T at Scarborough Great Minds
(Gregory Hines TM Bioscience Class of 1972)

TORONTO, Oct. 19 /CNW/ - Twenty-five leading Canadians were honoured
Saturday night at the University of Toronto at Scarborough (UTSC). During an
awards ceremony that ended a day of celebration marking the campus's 40th
anniversary, the 25 alumni were recognized for their considerable success in
the fields of business, medicine, rights advocacy, literature, arts, sports
and journalism among others.
40th Anniversary Alumni Award recipients will join the UTSC graduates
already recognized through the Great Minds program. Recipients were nominated
by alumni and other members of the university community.
U of T at Scarborough is a leader in the U of T tri-campus community
offering innovative programs and research opportunities within a closely-knit
and dynamic community. Since its opening in 1964, UTSC has seen its more than
25,000 graduates go on to make significant contributions in their chosen
career fields and communities. The campus held a series of special events and
activities Oct. 14 to 16 to celebrate those great achievements and inspire
current students who will become the business, arts, science, and community
leaders of tomorrow.
40th anniversary award recipients include:

Dr. Justine Blainey-Broker
(Class of 1995)

In 1981, Justine Blainey-Broker wanted nothing else but to play hockey.
She had won a coveted spot to play in the Metro Toronto Hockey League but her
dreams were waylaid when an Ontario Human Rights Code specifically denied the
participation of women players. Blainey-Broker fought the law and finally had
her day in Supreme Court where her appeal was upheld, striking the portion of
the Ontario Code that allowed for sexual discrimination in sports. Blainey-
Broker's perseverance despite cruelty, threats and social pressure opened the
door for women to compete with men in Ontario. Her determined efforts also
helped save the Women's Hockey Team at the University of Toronto and resulted
in equal funding for women's and men's intercollegiate sports. Today, despite
operating a busy chiropractic practice, Blainey-Broker is frequently engaged
to speak about her experience and inspire others to fight for equality.

Dr. Tony Cruz
(Class of 1974)

Dr. Tony Cruz is a solid example of a modern Renaissance man whose
learning in science is matched only by his business acumen. He is a molecular
biologist that specializes in cell signaling and drug screening systems, but
also has a strong entrepreneurial streak that served to co-found several
biotech companies. Currently a senior scientist at Samuel Lunenfeld Research
Institute and a professor in the Department of Medicine and Pathobiology at
the University of Toronto, Dr. Cruz's work involves studying the pathways that
antagonize or enhance inflammatory responses. He is also the CEO of Transition
Therapeutics Inc., a biopharmaceutical company that is concerned with the
treatment of multiple sclerosis, diabetes and restenosis. A founding member of
the Canadian Arthritis Network, the first National Centre of Excellence to
receive a disease-specific grant, Dr. Cruz's scientific and business
endeavours tell the tale of a truly remarkable career.

Charles Cutts
(Class of 1969)

Charlie Cutts must have a little showbiz in his blood. How else could a
Scarborough Campus English Literature graduate with 11 years experience as a
chartered accountant become the CEO of The Corporation of Roy Thomson and
Massey Hall? As head of these concert halls, Cutts employs an annual budget of
$18 million to stage some 400 concerts a year. For eight of the past 10 years,
Cuts has helped the halls earn profits without operating subsidies from any
level of government. With experience as CEO of the O'Keefe Centre for the
Performing Arts, now known as the Hummingbird Centre, and many years of
directorship and volunteer officer positions, Cutts is known and respected
throughout the national performing arts community. He is a past chairman of
the board of the Family Services Association of Toronto, and is founding
director and officer of both the Toronto Entertainment District Association
and Canada's Walk of Fame. Cutts has also proven to be a true friend of UTSC
through his good counsel and his support of the arts management program.

Dr. Jon Dellandrea
(Class of 1973)

Jon Dellandrea has had a long association with UTSC. In 1971 he earned a
B.A. in English Literature from Scarborough and later a doctoral degree in
higher education from the St. George campus. But it was during his
undergraduate years, when Dellandrea played on the Varsity Blues football
team, that he honed the competitive skills that would serve him well in the
intervening years as he advanced the cause of the university. Dellandrea
worked in Scarborough's Athletics Department before becoming Principal Ralph
Campbell's executive assistant. He then moved to the University of Waterloo to
become its chief development officer. He eventually returned to Toronto to a
post with Mount Sinai Hospital, and in 1994, he was recruited back to U of T
where he has played an essential role in the university's fundraising
campaign. So much so, that the campaign reached its $1 billion milestone one
year ahead of schedule. Dellandrea was also instrumental in developing the
first co-op program at UTSC.

Mary di Michele
(Class of 1972)

Since graduating from UTSC with B.A. in English, Mary di Michele has
become a well-established Canadian writer and is, without a doubt,
Scarborough's most distinguished figure in Canadian letters. A celebrated
poet, author and educator, di Michele's work explores issues of family,
heritage, politics and literary tradition. While she published her first book
of poetry in 1978, it was in 1981 that she became a major voice among the
growing number of Italian-Canadian writers and women poets. di Michele is the
author of nine highly praised books of poetry, including "Debriefing the
Rose", a volume of selected poems. Her second novel, "Tenor of Love" is
scheduled for international publication by Penguin in January 2005 Teaching
creative writing at Concordia, where she also serves as chair of the
department, di Michele inspires and educates as much through her teaching as
through her writing.

Marilyn Sue Emery
(Class of 1975)

Marilyn Sue Emery never holds back when it comes to educating her
students. Teaching children with disabilities at Bloorview School can be a
challenge with some students confined to stretcher beds and restricted to
breathing through trachea tubes. But Emery understood the value of educating
her charges in more than just the Ontario curriculum, so she organized outings
to local attractions, craft shows and even pub nights for her older students.
Savouring the extra time she spent teaching life skills, Emery could be found
at a nearby restaurant feeding her young adult students pizza and treating
them to beer through a straw, bringing everyday experiences into the lives of
these special individuals. Emery also works tirelessly as president of the
Ontario District Physical and Health Disabilities Association. What's more,
Emery does all of this from her own wheelchair from which she has embraced the
world since she was a child.

Thomas Enright
(Class of 1976)

As the president and CEO of Canada NewsWire, the country's number one
resource for time-critical information, Thomas Enright knows a thing or two
about news. Established in 1960, Canada NewsWire is recognized in all major
newsrooms and financial institutions as a key element in the dissemination and
receipt of timely information. Enright's posting at the top of this venerable
organization is the result of a long history of success. He is the former
director of the Toronto Stock Exchange, a former general manager of the
Financial Post and the governor of the Canadian Journalism Foundation. Despite
his busy schedule, Enright also manages to head UTSC's Mentorship Program. He
has mentored several students over the years, and is always willing to speak
to student groups about his professional experiences. Enright also acts as an
advisor to UTSC's principal and is an avid supporter of the Alumni and Friends
Golf Tournament.

Sylvie Fortin
(Class of 1986)

To say that Sylvie Fortin has an interest in art is perhaps an
understatement. Her recent appointment as editor-in-chief of Atlanta-based Art
Papers, one of the world's top art publications, shows her not only as a
highly qualified art historian and critic but also as an enthusiastic
visionary. As she takes the helm of this renowned publication, the magazine is
also receiving a substantial two-year grant from the Andy Warhol Foundation
and the Utne Independent Press Award for Best Arts Coverage. All of which
means Fortin's role will continue to grow. Having to satisfy more than 25,000
readers in 25 countries, Fortin draws on her skills as a contemporary art
curator, art historian, critic and writer to examine local and international
contemporary art and culture.

George Goldsmith
(Class of 1970)

George Goldsmith graduated more than thirty years ago, but his
involvement with Scarborough has done nothing but grow. For one, this
president of a successful financial services company has been an important
supporter of the renovations that have returned the historic Miller Lash House
in the Highland Creek Valley to its former glory. Goldsmith has also proven to
be an invaluable part of alumni life at UTSC. He served as a professional
advisor to UTSC principal Paul Thompson, showed an unflagging willingness to
support the campus in any way he could and has actively participated in the
many events surrounding UTSC's current growth. Earlier this year, Goldsmith
worked tirelessly to organize a reunion event for UTSC graduates from the 60s,
70s and early 80s, bringing together almost 100 alumni and friends.

Sue Graham-Nutter
(Class of 1981)

Sue Graham-Nutter puts on a celebration that draws one million people
each year. As the executive director, founder and chief organizer of Taste of
the Danforth, Graham-Nutter is at the head of one of Canada's largest
festivals. What began as a small gathering of a few thousand people has grown
into an event that brings in more than a million attendees and pours millions
of dollars into the GTA. In addition, the festival has raised $700,000 for the
Toronto East General Hospital. Beyond the tremendous impact of this once-
modest festival, Graham-Nutter has distinguished herself as a successful
businesswoman, founding her own marketing firm specializing in tourism
promotion. Drawing on her valuable experience as executive assistant to the
deputy minister of Culture and Communications, and as director of Revenue
Development for TVOntario, Graham-Nutter has proven herself a marketing force
to be reckoned with.

Dr. Lorne Greenspan
(Class of 1973)

Dr. Lorne Greenspan believes that medicine must not only cure but also
respect and empower the individual. As a senior medical consultant at the
Medcan Clinic, a leading Canadian health management company, he has held
clinical leadership roles that contribute to a high caliber of medical care
using new modalities and innovative risk management strategies. As a member of
Medcan's team of health professionals Greenspan is committed to minimizing the
incidence and duration of illness and injury. His work is part of an
integrated health management approach designed to address escalating health
and disability costs for a variety of North America's premier employers,
financial and government organizations. Prior to Medcan, Greenspan was deputy
clinical director of emergency medicine at the Toronto General Hospital and
remains an assistant professor at the University of Toronto. He has also
shared his expertise consulting for national and international medical
organizations, government and private enterprises.

Gregory Hines
(Class of 1972)

In the world of genetic testing, Gregory Hines is something of a
revolutionary. As president and CEO of Tm Bioscience, Hines and his team are
advancing the way in which genetic testing for cystic fibrosis and other
debilitating genetic disorders is conducted. They are creating advanced
proprietary technologies that markedly improve the speed, accuracy,
flexibility and cost of DNA-based genetic tests. However, being at the head of
a biotech company is nothing new for Hines. A former consultant with MDS
Capital, Hines also served as president of Spectrum Pharma, a Canadian company
that he founded in 1999. He was also president of Leo Pharma, another company
he founded in 1981. From 1993 to 1999, Hines was a member of the Board of
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Canada and served as Chairman in
1997 and 1998. While a student at UTSC, Hines founded the campus sailing
school. Today, he continues his involvement with Scarborough Campus as an
advisor and friend.

Rodney Hurd
(Class of 1970)

For Rodney Hurd, the world is a marvel that everyone should see. It may
come as little surprise that this former student council president at
Scarborough has risen to head TravelCuts, one of the best-recognized travel
organizations in North America. Specializing in discount airfares and budget
travel, Hurd's company has grown into one of the most respected tour companies
in Canada for students and non-students alike. Every year, TravelCuts helps
tens of thousands of young travelers realize their dreams of studying, touring
and living in countries around the world. As president of this organization,
Hurd plays an instrumental role in creating world-class citizens whose
exposure to different cultures helps to close the gap between nations, forging
an ever-tightening bond between the generations that shape tomorrow's global

Francis Jeffers
(Class of 1978)

Francis Jeffers knows that scientific innovation comes from one's
community. As founder and president of Visions of Science, Jeffers maintains
close ties to the black community in an ongoing effort to promote science and
technology to African and Caribbean communities. His organization has had a
significant impact on the lives of countless young people, particularly
through its annual forum, showing thousands of minority students that science
is a viable career for them. Jeffers is president and co-founder of the
African Relief Committee in Canada, and he and his wife have recently acquired
The International Black Inventions Museum, a mobile museum that teaches about
the contributions Africans have made to civilization. Widely recognized as a
leader in science and community involvement, Jeffers is a model for the young
people he inspires and the colleagues whose accomplishments he helps

Ali D. Kanji
(Class of 2001)

When he graduated in 2001, Ali D. Kanji made a life-changing decision to
found a non-profit organization to fight the spread of AIDS. Since 60 per cent
of the global HIV population falls into the age group of 15-24, Kanji created
an organization that would employ students to speak to this high-risk group.
Today, as executive director of Aiding Youth for Life, Kanji has enlisted the
help of some 700 young people to provide AIDS awareness to youth around the
world. His efforts, concentrated mostly in Africa, have established eight
chapters worldwide and include plans to open a chapter in India by 2005.
Leading this organization with passion and integrity, Kanji has founded
partnerships with long established aid organizations in Canada to create a
synergistic effort that is fighting this modern plague with a powerful, peer-
led approach.

Alek Krstajic
(Class of 1989)

Alek Krstajic found his calling in telecommunications. This economics
graduate is currently the chief marketing officer of Consumer Marketing at
Bell Canada. In this role, Krstajic oversees the revenue side of all the
businesses under the Consumer banner. In effect, he's responsible for more
than $8 billion of business. Prior to joining Bell, Krstajic was a senior
executive at Rogers Cable. He is a director on a number of boards for both
public and private companies and has worked tirelessly to identify and connect
with UTSC supporters. A testament to his business skills, Krstajic was named
one of Canada's Top 40 Under 40 in 2002 and recognized as one of the most
influential young leaders in the country. A high performer in the world of
communications, Krstajic is also a world-class sailor and has competed in the
Canada's Cup. A strong UTSC supporter himself, Krstajic has helped Scarborough
Campus navigate its current course of success.

Will Kwan
(Class of 2002)

Will Kwan is an artist with a sense of humour. For one of his most
popular pieces, Don't Toe the Line, Or Toe Your Own Line, he painted a
hopscotch court in the middle of a busy downtown intersection, then stood back
and videotaped pedestrians' reactions. A graduate of the Visual and Performing
Arts Program in 2002, Kwan currently lives and works in New York City where he
recently completed his MFA at Columbia University. Recognized in 2003 by
Maclean's magazine as one of Canada's top ten artists "worth keeping an eye
on", Kwan doesn't disappoint. An outstanding and prolific member of the
Toronto art scene, he is fast fostering an international reputation. He was
the only Canadian invited to create a work in a four-week artist-in-residence
program last year at the 50th Venice Biennale event, and his piece "Pass It
On" was recently presented at the Prague Biennale.

David Lucatch
(Class of 1985)

David Lucatch is one of those rare entrepreneurs who mixes his keen sense
of business with a penchant for charity. A successful businessman who has
started several ventures since graduating in 1985, Lucatch's endeavours have
included printing, web marketing as well as person-to-person marketing.
Despite this range of business operations, one thing has remained constant:
his dedication to fundraising. In fact, Lucatch has helped raise millions of
dollars for charitable organizations in both Canada and the United States. He
is equally generous with his time, serving as a UTSC mentor and speaking to
student groups on campus. An active member of the Principal's Advisory
Committee, Lucatch has a strong personal interest in supporting the
Scarborough campus, now and well into the future.

Kim McLean
(Class of 1985)

Kim McLean isn't afraid of being first. Like many UTSC, she was the first
in her family to go to university. But that was just the start of many firsts
to come for this aspiring leader. McLean was part of one of the first classes
to graduate from UTSC with a degree in co-op management in 1985. She went on
to finish her MBA at the Rotman School of Business and has since held a series
of progressively senior roles at the U of T. Working in the Planning Office at
the St. George campus, McLean eventually became the director of budget
analysis and planning. Today, she is the chief administrative officer and
assistant principal at UTSC where she oversees a $50 million budget. McLean
sits on Business Board and the Audit Committee for U of T, and represents the
campus on a variety of Search Committees including recent competitions for
UTSC's principal and the provost of U of T.

Cindy Nicholas
(Class of 1979)

When Cindy Nicholas set out to swim across Lake Ontario, she hadn't
intended to change anyone's life but her own. Decades later, however, her
record-breaking feats continue to inspire generations of swimmers. In 1975,
she set the women's record for the fastest crossing of the English Channel,
and two years later she set a record for the fastest two-way crossing of the
Channel. A member of the Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame, the Canadian Sports
Hall of Fame and a recipient of the Order of Canada, Nicholas provides advice
and encouragement to aspiring distance swimmers. Today, Nicholas is a
successful lawyer and stands as a shining example of the impact a single
person's determination can make to inspire a legion of others.

David Ossip
(Class of 1988)

David Ossip's company has it right. Workbrain, a scheduling software
company, has designed a solution that enables companies to have the right
people with the right skills do the right jobs at the right time - and all for
a low cost. In December 2003, Workbrain became the first technology company in
three years to go public through an IPO on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Under
Ossip's leadership Workbrain was selected as a 2003 winner of Canada's 50 Best
Managed Companies and recognized by Profit Magazine as the second fastest-
growing company in Canada. In April 2004, Ossip himself was selected to
Canada's Top 40 Under 40 - a program that honours the country's business and
academic elite. He is a member of the Young President's Organization, holds a
MBA from Harvard and demonstrates inspiring success in the tempestuous world
of high technology.

Kevin Thistle
(Class of 1985)

When Kevin Thistle stands on the first tee block of the Angus Glen Golf
Club, he's at work. As vice-president and general manager of one of Canada's
best public golf courses, Thistle takes his greens seriously - and it has paid
off. Under his direction, Angus Glen brought in $5 million in sales last year,
a figure five times the industry average. In 2002, the course was selected to
host the Canadian Open, an honour only bestowed upon the best-tended, best-
managed courses in the country. Perhaps even more impressive is Thistle's role
as a driving force behind the creation of Angus Glen North, a course that, two
years after opening, was awarded the prestigious 2007 Canadian Open. Thistle
was selected Markham's Business Leader of the Year in 2003 and continues to
inspire students by working as a UTSC mentor. Whether he is volunteering his
time refereeing hockey or organizing UTSC's Alumni and Friends Golf
Tournament, Thistle is a great ambassador for his profession and for the
Scarborough campus.

Dr. Paul Thompson
(Class of 1972)

Paul Thompson has seen UTSC as a student, professor, researcher and, for
14 years, as its principal. Not surprisingly, he has seen and effected
considerable change at Scarborough. As a professor of philosophy, he
introduced a Social Issues course that applied theories and tools of ethics
and morality to practical issues like abortion. His class was the first
philosophy class at UTSC to have more than 200 students. Thompson later served
as chair of humanities, and in 1989 became UTSC principal and dean. His tenure
as principal and dean saw a decade of change with the expansion of the co-op
program, the new bachelor of business administration degree and the
strengthening of environmental science programs at the campus. These renowned
programs drove an 86 per cent surge in UTSC enrollment by 2002. Having
completed his term at UTSC, Thompson is now the director for the Institute for
History and Philosophy of Science and Technology at U of T's Victoria College.

Chris Waddell
(Class of 1974)

As far as Chris Waddell is concerned, business news is where the real
stories can be found. As the first occupant of the Carty Chair in Business and
Financial Journalism at Carleton University, Waddell has developed a business
and financial journalism curriculum that will provide journalists with a solid
grounding in business and economic issues. Teaching newsmakers to understand
financial statements, learn how stock markets operate as well as how the
economy works is essential to developing accurate and insightful coverage of
the business world. With an extensive journalism background that includes work
as a CBC parliamentary bureau chief, a senior editor at the Financial Post, a
reporter with the Globe and Mail and, currently, a political commentator for
CBC's News Online, Waddell has spent a career telling the stories that shape
the world around us.

John Wright
(Class of 1980)

John Wright pays particular attention to numbers. As the senior vice
president of Public Affairs for Ipsos-Reid, one of North America's most
prestigious public opinion research companies, he knows a lot about the
numbers that affect us every day. Rarely a week goes by without hearing this
Scarborough graduate's enthusiastic voice on national radio or television
expressing with fascination the interesting statistics that shape Canadian
lives. In fact, his enthusiasm for knowledge and learning trace back to his
undergraduate years at UTSC. Wright's efforts as student union president
helped bring about the construction of the desperately needed Bladen Library.
Wright continues to contribute to UTSC campus life speaking to student groups
and advising UTSC on marketing and communications issues. Even in his current
high-profile post, he reminds us all that determination and attention to
details can bring about tremendous change.

Photos of award recipients are available upon request.

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