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Alias Born 03/30/2004

Re: Tiger64 post# 46552

Friday, 10/29/2004 8:47:31 AM

Friday, October 29, 2004 8:47:31 AM

Post# of 98015
Well I have to disagree with you. INTC is a crappy company and getting worse mainly due to some of the most incompetent management I've ever seen. There's a short answer to you question and a long one. Since I don't have the time, you get the short one.

INTC is an aging whore that has put on about 25 pounds and all the makeup and perfume will not change things. Nothing short of a complete management make over will get INTC back on the streets and hooking again.

I'm surprised to see you bringing up the straw man of earnings, I thought that was Elmer's answer to everything. Well, In any case earnings are a trailing indicator. By the time a companies earnings start to fall the cancer has usually metastasized.

INTC has a window from about h05 to h06 in which to get its shit together. If it hasn't fixed things by the time fab35 comes on-line things will deteriorate quickly.

As far as flash goes the real question is how much good money INTC is willing to throw after the bad in an attempt to do in flash to AMD what AMD is doing to INTC in processors?

AMD is going to have a very good quarter. The question is really, how badly will INTC's earnings compare with AMD's? Lately, the market seems to think AMD will come out on top.

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