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Re: lopaka post# 15796

Wednesday, 12/02/2009 2:27:00 PM

Wednesday, December 02, 2009 2:27:00 PM

Post# of 35619
Actually most folks here are sitting on a huge profit. I figure around 75 to 80 percent of folks as a matter of fact. Board marks were around 75 mid August. So all those folks have nothing to complain about as far as a profit goes.

My average in back in Feb 09 was 2 cents.

Out of 500 vendors at the NJ event LEI was the second most visited site. Every visitor is given an ID card that is registered at every site they visit. Organizers of the event notified LEI about this.Once the pendulum starts to swing our way and the momentum gains some traction, things will look a lot better.

I'm already sitting on a 6 plus bagger at this price and as annoying as waiting this out is, that is exactly what I plan to do for as long as it takes.


My posts are my personal opinion, "freedom of speech" 1st Amendment