No question country is shifting en masse to right, right to the edge of a cliff:
but i really don't give a damn.
i stand above it all, aloof, arrogant, conceited and in blissful peace.
At least that is what i am writing now---i can type anything.
Maybe what i wrote was a total lie, but maybe it was the truth?
But who cares, i don't; who can actually state where we are going and why? Why are we not just a huge number of carbon-based bio-mass fools in argument about right and wrong as we head at high speed into a brick wall?
No one can prove that view is wrong, and it could be right, but then , no chance it is right, or is it?
You are rightwing, extreme right? i have no idea.
i am an ex-rad anarchist( maybe, i might be lying to you, however), what i say to you won't change you ever, you are what you are---- me, i give a damn, o , miswrote; i don't give damn--maybe.
Have you ever thrown body parts into a body bag???
Paramedics do, i wonder what their perspective on all this.
We have any paramedics on this thread?
Isn't life neat.
He played his video game night and day.
The MAZE of Death.
But that is the game we all are in, the trick, don't believe it.Get above it all and imagine nothing is what it seems.Kill the machine.otraque