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Re: tryoty post# 185216

Thursday, 11/05/2009 1:56:10 PM

Thursday, November 05, 2009 1:56:10 PM

Post# of 364322
Think about these points and any of their ramifications. Think long and clearly.

Does anyone suspect Sinopec might have a "strangle hold" on virtually every aspect of ERHE - from the time line of continued research and ultimate production of oil to a stronger than ever before ability to negotiate a favorable (to them) ERHE buy-out/buy-in price to a more than ever before ability to keep other potential ERHE suitors at bay through a close hold of drilling results and finally through an ability to keep any PRs (either by ERHE or the JDA) regarding drilling results to somewhere between a minimum and non existing status. Sinopec/Addax have leverage, more than ever before, which could be employed against all parties other than themselves.

I'm not trying to create any upheaval. Rather these are simply naive questions from a curious old witch with too much time on her hands.

Cheers to all.
