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Alias Born 02/28/2009

Re: redinvest post# 185061

Tuesday, 11/03/2009 1:15:36 PM

Tuesday, November 03, 2009 1:15:36 PM

Post# of 364322
REMEMBER: The data gathering (from each drill site) and the interpretation of that data is THE ONLY ammunition ERHC has. This analysis take plenty of time and is often somewhat subjective. The drilling either confirms seismic data or disproves it. ERHC's buy-out price and terms solely depends on the consensus of the data findings. SO, give these guys some time to gather and interpret. Pray!

I hope they will continue this aggressive drill campaign and develop the JDZ sooner rather than later, then ERHC can sell its JDZ properties to the highest bidder and save the EEZ for later development.