They warned the public , now on grey/pinks , will never uplist ever , it is clearly noted as having open active SEC investigation, open active class action lawsuits , no filings, it is clearly now a matter of time and it is clearly trade at own risk , plus if they play games now they will go directly to jail , these filings , the forms 3,4,13 r a direct result of sec looking over operations , the raise of the a/s to 3 billion was result of same , the halt was made so everyone will know this is not some maybe investigation , this is real deal with evidence and facts, it is time to get out or risk losing it all , sec has warned you , imo , and yes , I believe we will see another halt before it is all over... plus some arrests , and then class action lawyers will suck every penny out of the insiders perosonaly and every penny from any hidden coffers, wanna bet u start to see some of the banners in ball parks come down when the folks dont get there monthly payments , have u seen any spng commercials lately? were is spongebob? lol , spongebob , that is over and done never to happen... this thing is all over but the day trading , .0001 / no bid next stop imo