I know, i dont understand what your saying...I have been reading the signs and screaming about them since they raised the A?S after lying about reducing it.
Then somehow they completely scammed everyone and tricked the Deleware SOS to have future information and create the illusion that they had some how lowered it.
I changed my mind for a quick second, but as soon as the no 10-K and then the R/S announcement,
I cant wate my time here any more, you people see that Im rarely ehre any more....I called this, I made my money, I played the Spongetech train hard....I tried to scream for all of you who couldnt realize...
But what I am saying is that it is truly unbelievable that the Press Release today will still try and convince shareholdesr that the 10-K is done....
Go to any Walgreens, all the items have been recalled. Costco Scratched them....The didnt even spell "Costco" right in the JOKE of "letter to shareholdesr"....its a shamm, they spelled "Cosco" so no one can sue them for lying about that fact, but there are still many things we will beable to sue them for...well you....
I have only made gains on SPNG....once it turned to SPNGE i lost a little, but i sold and my money is now in real stocks...I am thankfull I didnt lose, but kind of diappointed i cant sue them since i really didnt lose anything