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Alias Born 05/12/2009

Re: wEaReLeGiOn post# 177921

Monday, 10/05/2009 2:37:16 PM

Monday, October 05, 2009 2:37:16 PM

Post# of 192567
How about this little post? Any takers on it's meaning?

Village parable post #1569 at IN
06-04-2009, 07:12PM
Posted by abcdefg

“The only post of the night.

Tulip, if you get angry at me, well, this right now is the only way I can talk to all of you.

There was a village in a far away place. They lived in a valley under a mountain. One day one of the villagers asked why they could not climb to the top of the mountian, for he could see lush green forests, which the villager knew could provide food for the village. He was told that some had tried and came back and found that there was not a way to the top.The next morning, the villager awoke and decided that he alone would try. As he left the village all laughed and proclaimed that he was without reason, and said that he would fail returning in shame. Thus he decided to continue as those before him, believing that something not attempted, was far worse than the failure of the attempt. As he climbed he found the trail slowly closing as it winded up the mountain. Finaly he came to an impass, a boulder, far larger than the pass he was walking on.The boulder was very tall and could not be climbed. The side of the boulder were also too slick on one side to grasp and go around, the other side hanging over a cliff and could not be scaled. The weight of the boulder was far too heavy to dig under. Now confronted by the impass he knew returning he would be shamed. But turning around was the only option and he started down the mountain. He had not realised that it was not the boulder that stood in his way up, but the loose rock that he had not noticed while climbing, that now stood in his way to return for he did not want to slip and fall off the mountain.When he stood he realised that the boulder could be moved, if he only removed the small rocks that held the boulder. He decided to make a hole below the boulder big enough for him to climb into. Then he started removing the loose rocks from the boulders edge. As he removed the loose rocks the boulder started to move and finaly began to roll down hill. The villager placed himself into the hole as the boulder rolled over the top and down the mountain. Thus the villager sat up and climbed to the top of the mountain.The villager gathered what he could and slowly returned to the village sharing all that he had found.

I think that this is what is happening at present. I feel that all will in time be well and will go forward as all want it to do. I speak not for EESO or Jared, but I do believe that an impass has been reached and the loose rocks are being removed so that the path that has been chosen can continue to be followed.I am not sorry for telling this story for it is the only way I can talk to all of you.

Remember, it is not what you can see that stops your path, but the little things that catch you off guard. I believe this is being taken care of at present.


This means BEST OF LUCK TO ALL, NOT Bolt.


Your Friend

ABCDEFG Still need spell check??????????????”
