Very good point. That's what happened with Oncogenix when they RM with SNUS, they ended up with a supply demand crunch (approximately 5-6M OS) so when good data was released... It went through the roof on demand.
Not to mention, most of the float was tied up anyway, which caused even more of a slingshot effect.
As for GETA, people need to realize that when balancing the actual OS vs. the fully diluted, this stock should be at approximately $1.50-$2.00 at this moment in time.
It's not hard to find valuations in regards to Phase I, II, III, NDA's etc. on biotech, and needless to say, management basically hand crafted a picture perfect senerio in regards to the Agenda Trial.
Once again as I have stated before... This stock should be trading in the $1.50 to $2.50 range when results for PFS are released by the company.
Just my opinion...
Best Regards, Bernie