Whos to say there is NO Float
Get your calculator - repost with facts
(I hate to keep beating this dead horse)
$4M for getFugu we must of had alot of money left over.
Official O/S is 722.86M
FACT: As of last SEC filing % Held by Insiders1: 50.32% 1 = Data provided by Thomson; 2 = Data provided by EDGAR Online;
364.1M held by insiders and institutions as follows.
AMI Investment Management, Inc... 40.0K
Fisher Investments 90.0K
Howe Barnes Capital Management 162.0K
Janney Montgomery Scott LLC 40.0 K
Lazauskas (Frank) 10.8 M
Levin (Joel L) 41.0 M
Metter (Michael) 7.7 M
Moskowitz (Steven) 6.1 M
RM Enterprises International, 257.0M???? (some say 480)
Signature Management, LLC 41.0 M
Others 24M
SO FACT 722.86-366-24 leaves us 332M Float)
FACT The float is 332M CEO/COO bought 18M company bought 150M
SO FACT 332M-18M-150M = 164M remaining
These numbers are correct
NOW I speculate:
At an average price of .122 ALL of the remaining 164M shares could have been purchased by the company for $20M - We gave $4M to getFUGU without any explanation of what or why? I can only assume that the announced buyback was complete and for an additional $20M the company BOUGHT ALL OF THE SHARES that are supposed to exist before the FUGU deal!!
Think about what this would do for us. Moskowitz goes to the DTCC, SEC, and FINRA, and says,"we are trying to split our stock 100-1 and WE are holding all 722.86M Shares that exist. AYME, NITE, ETMM, SCOTTrade and others say that they have 930M more shares, please explain this to us. The rule allowing naked shorts is called "the Madoff Exception" google it. Think of all the free press we would get as the company that exposed the wall Street fraud of Naked Shorting!!