Re post for being off topic in response to an off topic post on the iHUB sec board about the issues with iHub... lolzzzzz - where someone said eturd was one of the most crooked MMS... lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
"B.S. "ETrade is one of the most crooked MM's" we all know it is NITE and the only REAL MARKET MAKER on PINKS and OTCBB stocks, but if you USE NITE you will alwayzzz get the best buys and sells... but what does this have to do with dis board.... oh I see it is now dead... just like a a Nitwit predicted... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... it will wake up in 5 yearzzz from now, unless a Nitwit just woke it up... lolzzz... happens all the time... do not prove me right again from me posting here that it will wake back up... lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
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