Allow me to step in on this one Rob and add a few background comments. (I'm doing this by memory and a bit tired right now) Rob and I have discussed it at length previously. Research has shown that the State of Vermont was irritated that a combined Rural Cellular and verizon would be a combined 63% marketshare. (again doing this by memory I'll dig up the links tommorow) The Department of Justice stepped in and filed a suit to prevent a monopoly and a final ruling was made (again by memory) April 27, 2009. In order for the combined companies of Rural Cellular and Verizon to move forward, a divestiture of assets needed to occur and covered an extremely large range of assets, from (extending into both sides of the Canada/US border) properties, cell sites, long distance, patents, desks, desk chairs, etc etc you get the picture. RCC Holdings Inc was a subsidiary of Rural Cellular. At the present moment, I'm inclined to believe that RCC Holdings Inc was divested by Rural Cellular as a result of the DOJ ruling. RCC Holdings Inc, is rather large all by itself and owns and/or has a number of partnerships, affliliations and associations extending into Canada. RCC Holdings Inc, based upon some research conducted has interests into radio (emergency response type of radio), 4G, microwave etc etc....
I think if you go back far enough into the post records here, that you will find a previous discussion regarding a certain acquisition that was shot down by a few. It was dismissed at the time as being an incorrectly applied PR assigned to RCC Holdings Corp.
That's all for now, I've got to get back to a project I'm working on.