Digi: Basically, you are talking about Mr. Sheep. Here are his returns for each contest. This should tell you everything you want to know. First the returns for Mr. Sheep for all 12 contests and the compounded return after each one.<pre> PSL1 +68% +68% PSL2 +68% +182% PSL3 + 4% +194% PSL4 +12% +229% PSL5 + 5% +245% PSL6 +21% +318% PSL7 +26% +426% PSL8 - 2% +416% PSL9 + 3% +431% PSL10 -48% +176% PSL11 + 5% +190% PSL12 +40% +306%</pre>The compounded returns are +306% since July 1, 2005 (the first day of PSL1). Here are the returns of the other indexes since July 1, 2005.<pre> PSL +306% Pick Six Lotto (Mr. Sheep) IWC -20% Russell Microcap Index PZI -33% Zach's Microcap Index R2K -10% Russell 2000 NAZ - 1% Nasdaq 100 SP5 -14% Standard & Poors 500 DOW - 7% Dow Jones Industrials 30 W5K -11% Wilshire 5000</pre>Pretty self explanatory. Len