Apple just approved the spotify app for the i phone ,spotify recently announced a partnership with huge media co. in China called Tom Group,in preparation for china launch
Apple announces the coming of Iphones to China ,Spotify and apple yes ,Qtrax and apple I highly doubt it.
As far as launching in China ,Qtrax can't launch in China with Baidu as a competitor.They are to established they have to big a market share and roughly 3 billion music file searches a month.All free and relativly easy to get no drm.Of course illegal but who gives a sh-t about that right?Google is trying to compete with that(legally) and are failing to generate revenue,and they are GOOGLE, how do you think Qtrax intends to pull this off?
The only way is to give users little choice,which means Baidu takes down all copyright infringing material and directs users to Qtrax for their music searches.