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Alias Born 12/12/2008

Re: Soapy Bubbles post# 180488

Monday, 08/31/2009 7:54:51 PM

Monday, August 31, 2009 7:54:51 PM

Post# of 346933
Lol well clearly you and every other long who understands what's going on will take advantage of this... It's like taking candy from babies... No joke. People in these markets sell for no reason what so ever... I'd be upset if you and other longs didn't take advantage of these people who don't understand the simple rules.

I mean seriously...

Considering taking some profits in a few other stocks and adding to my position here if we get any pull back.

Ha and thanks.

Everything I say is in my own opinion do not buy sell or hold based off what I have to say.

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