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Alias Born 06/14/2006

Re: NCB2K post# 40185

Saturday, 08/15/2009 2:32:37 PM

Saturday, August 15, 2009 2:32:37 PM

Post# of 347004
Your right this stock has loads of promise, just full of potential.

So, to bring up a very long history of possible stock manipulation which favors the shorts should be kept silent ?

Hell no ! Let people know the risks, along with the science, so they do not bet the farm on our POS (piece of science) darling call Peregrine Pharma( aka Peregrine Harma ).

If this does not fit into your agenda, too bad. IF (B.S.?) the investor paid twenty two cents per share he got lucky, but what the hell is the stock price on PPHM doing at less than a quarter anyhow ? Twenty years plus and they have not put one drug to market, they just play the longs for what they can make. IMHO
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