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Re: Royalflush1 post# 31454

Thursday, 07/23/2009 7:48:16 AM

Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:48:16 AM

Post# of 42867
Royal page 4 of the 10k clearly stated that the weighted average of the number of outstanding shares is 1,838,370,875. We also know that the company issued 11 million shares to an investor for a few million dollars. I cannot expalin the discepancy but the quarterly report is an official document which should not contain false information. Perhaps many of the shares issued are restricted and not considered in the float. In any event if the company is saying that there is approximately 2 billion in the float, it will certainly affect models of the potential market cap vis a vis stock price. Why can't this issue be clarified since it certainly appears to be important to present and future investors. Please try to get a clarification from a reputable source if possible. TIA Iman