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Alias Born 08/23/2005

Re: A deleted message

Wednesday, 07/22/2009 2:55:52 PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 2:55:52 PM

Post# of 346927
NO, it's officers or directors or 10% owners
that have to file. ALFIE (aka Doug Furth) for example would have to file if his claim that he controls 300 million shares was truthful


1. Who are "Insiders"
Corporate officers, directors, and 10% owners

2. What is "Insider Trading"
Corporate insiders buy and sell stock in their own companies

3. Insider Trading Law

* Short-swing profits (profits realized in any period less than six months) by corporate insiders in their own corporation's stock are prohibited
* Insider transactions must be reported to the SEC by filing a FORM 4 within two business days of the date the transaction occurred (2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act)

Dilution knows no bottom, greed knows no top.


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