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Alias Born 06/06/2006

Re: None

Tuesday, 07/14/2009 2:38:46 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 2:38:46 PM

Post# of 1522
out of the blue I get a call yesterday from Craig, who I have not heard from for like 2!!!

I was surprised and pleased by the call. He called to let me personally know as a shareholder that there is daylight at the end of the tunnel and not the CMKX train any longer....

There is news coming by the end of the month, a private placement, investors are evidentally finding interest in ENMGF and their new gold mining venture.

Further stated to hold on as fall approaches he expects several announcements of aggressive exploration and marketing program relating to Pires Gold Project.

I asked him when were we gunna do a forward split so I could get my shares back...he didnt see that happening, but I had to ring his bell on it there ya go for what it is worth...guess we will wait a little longer to see if the proof will be in the pudding...
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