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Re: rickw post# 93208

Tuesday, 07/14/2009 1:52:46 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 1:52:46 PM

Post# of 241044
We agreed. Yesterday...

Posted by: extra
Date: Monday, July 13, 2009 9:35:38 PM
In reply to: A deleted message Post # of 93007

joho, but, today's close at ~$0.016 appears to be
Down ~30.4348% , from the recently peaked closing
high of ~$0.023 , just ~1 week ago.

And, that very recent peak was the highest closing
price for wnbd in More Than 1 Year [+ a few months].

Sounds too good to be true , especially since wnbd
is still hiding ~all of its very easily revealed
FULLY DILUTED Share Structure , and Basic Financial
Facts , and even Gross Sales of "The wnbd Group" ,
and Gross Revenues received by whatever piece of
The wnbd Group pie is partially shared by All + Only
the still-supportive outsider wnbd common shareholders.

The only recent [but totally UNverifiable] piece of
'info' about wnbd revenues is that wnbd is still stuck
in "Phase #1" , [as always , for 3+ years , publicly] .
We think we heard the wnbd CEO mention that 'info' on
last week's CC ; while Not-at-all answering one of our
emailed-in questions to him , regarding the rate of
're-stocking' orders , after an initial store order .

So , wnbd is Still Under a $1 Million company ; Before
even deducting Any Expenses [which are a huge percentage
of gross sales for All companies that only make + sell
unpatented + low-tech commodities] . In wnbd's case ,
expenses are More Than 100% of Revenues , because even
the wnbd CEO admits to still 'needing access' to the pink
capital market , to cover continuing cash-burning losses.

A typical Fully Reporting company , with $1 Million in
annual Revenues , and a reliable history of after-tax
profit of 1-5% , and paying NO Dividends , should have a
FULLY DILUTED Market Cap of ~1X Annual Gross Revenue .

But , wnbd has a common float of over 1.2 Billion shares ;
and at Today's close of $0.016 , that means that the
UNdiluted Market Cap of wnbd commons is ~$19.2 Million ,
which is MORE THAN 19.2 X The Annual Gross Of wnbd , since
wnbd's gross is still Less than the $1 Million Phase #1 goal.

Now , if wnbd were slightly profitable , [which won't happen
until 'The Middle of Phase #4' , which is ~$27.5 Million ,
which is ~30X more than Today , and barely achievable in ~5
More years , if wnbd compound doubles its sales , from now on]

Then , 'the market' should price wnbd at a 'Market Cap' of
Almost $1 Million , giving a realistic value of ~$0.0008 ;

But , that's Only if/when/ever :

1] wnbd is at least Not always losing money ; and

2] Fully Reporting , On Time , + Independently Audited ; and

3] is 'Fully Diluted' by no more than 1.1 X the float ; and

4] with the outsider float having over 50% of All votes ;
to be able to prevent run-away dilution , including excessive
bonuses to insiders , to maintain 50+% insider vote control ,
~legal-enough + endless massive common shareholder dilution .

Thus ; we expect wnbd common to continue to seek its
"Fair Value" of Less than $0.0008 [ currently ] ;

and even lower if the wnbd Fully Diluted is Over 1.5 Billion
[ IOO , it's closer to 5 Billion , which IS AUTHORIZED , and
is probably being used to cover the Long-Ago Already Issued
Convertible Preferreds ] ;

and even lower if wnbd keeps diluting the floating commons
[ which have grown by ~6X , in just the last 2 years ] ;

and even lower if wnbd does not start Verifiably Proving
that its revenues are over $1 Million , AND Reliably
Doubling , every year , for the next 5 years ;

and , a 'competitor' does not copy wnbd's UNpatented stuff ,
and ~50% under-cut wnbd's retail price points , after waiting
for wnbd to invest as much common shareholder cash as they
can extract from the pink market , as wnbd tries to increase
their sales by ~30X , where wnbd hopes to begin to start to
not keep losing money.

Anyway , feel free to ignore all of the above [and below]
stuff , because it's joho + IOO ; just like All Projections ,
including chartings , and hopings , and feelings , + anything
else that is Not Proven By Independently Audited Financials ,
After Filing , Always On Time , For Years , with the SEC .

Continuing , back to where we started , with more IOO's :

1] wnbd is now Down over 30% from its peak , 1 week ago ,
which is also wnbd's more-than-1-year high

2] the momo volume is down by 90% , but slightly up today

3] so , IOO , we think that the 504's and/or day-traders ,
especially the ~half-day + Never-overnight , but often
several-consecutive-days shorters are clearly back in
control of wnbd's retracement , to below $0.005 ; probably
within 1 month , joho + IOO .

4] maybe a little longer , if the wnbd IR guy is allowed to
start revealing anything Much More meaningful than mailing
a box of 4 oz samples , to a couple of 1-horse shops ,
in the very-lowest populated part of East San Diego County ,
which really IS best know for being 'horse country' , with
~90% of the land totally undeveloped + road-less , and on
Indian Reservations , many having Vegas-Style Casinos ,
and a few with Hotels + Pro-Designed New Golf Courses ,
and 5-star Buffets , for $10-$20 , and even free to newbies .

Sincerely , ex .

P.S. ; IOO , the lowest PR is Not Meaningful , [for more than
a few day bounce] , assuming it ever even comes out. It's
Not even 'news' , because 'the us na' has been discussed and
delayed for more than 15 months already ; and the possible
1 more rural store , across a river from West Virgina , is
not much more meaningful than 1 more pet-store , surrounded
by an Indian Reservation , in unpopulated [except for horses]
Far-East San Diego County .

We expect that the wnbd fans will disagree with the IOO Facts
presented above , and/or say that they don't apply , because
wnbd is a 'proven growth company' , better than 99+% of all
pinks ever , and expected to be better than 90+% of all Real
+ Already Proven Big-Board Companies.

Could be , but so far , after 3+ years , the only ~proof of
wnbd's growth is :

1] 6X growth in floating wnbd common shares

2] probably 3 years of growth in 504's , up to $1 Million
per year , [plus who-knows-how-many-other loans] to cover
growth in wnbd's cash-burning expenses

3] apparent Real growth in wnbd's # of 'exec' employees

4] possible growth WITHIN "Phase #1" , of the 6 'planned'

By the way ; Real + Meaningful + Useful [to investors , + to
banks , + to the Company 'execs' , + to their lower-level
Managers] "Business Plans" Must Have SCHEDULES , That Specify
and NOT AT ALL Fudgable , and Accurately Measurable , at
least Monthly , but usually at least Weekly for most , and
preferably Daily or Hourly , if ANY bulk and Repetitive
Production is involved , as is supposedly true of wnbd.

We actually know , after writing , + reviewing , + rejecting
or Modifying and then SCHEDULED Tracking of Hundreds of REAL
[= Useful + Meaningful] Mega-Buck Business Plans , for many
decades , Combined .

Bottom-Line : We assume that wnbd must have an internal , and
top-secret 'business plan' , for ~daily tracking + ~weekly
replacing of 3+ years [ and probably 5+ more , at least ] of
Cash Flow-Out ; to at least be able to pay employees , ~on
time , with enough Cash to not quit , and probably enough
'free' shares or Preferreds or 'options' , to get them to
accept sub-standard annual cash pay. And, enough cash to keep
paying rent + utilities ~on time. But , the '6-Phase Plan' ,
as Never-Even-Modified on the wnbd Website , is Totally
Useless , except to attract as much New pink cash as is ever
possible , as soon as possible , for as long as possible .
And , it's excellent , for its only intended purpose ; so we
approve of it. It has succeeded for 3+ years , without even
having to track any Schedules or Milestones or Metrics ,
ever ; so it's zero maintenance + 100+% cost-effective .
As long as more new pink cash keeps flowing in , fast enough .

Averaging-Down is profitable for shorters , only [and All pinky/penny CEO's + Brokers + M&M's].