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Alias Born 08/16/2007

Re: Pro-Life post# 18

Wednesday, 07/08/2009 9:20:07 PM

Wednesday, July 08, 2009 9:20:07 PM

Post# of 55
Nobody is really paying close attention to this sector as there is only 1 behemoth that gets its' revs 100% from water and related activities.

Hyflux mentioned near the middle...

"... The revenue share of the world's top water companies that comes from the sector is Veolia (34pc), Suez (16pc), Ferrovial (20pc), Sabesp (100pc), Severn Trent (100pc), RWE (23pc), ITT Corp (32pc) and Pentair (75pc).

Goldman Sachs said the best option is to spread investments across a basket of small "potential takeout candidates" such as Badger Meter, Calgon Carbon, Clarcor, Pentair, Pall, Instituform, Hyflux, Tetra Tech, Acqua America and Watts Water.

Stanford professor Donald Kennedy said global climate change was now setting off a self-feeding spiral. "We've got droughts combined with a psychotic excess of rainfall," he said.

"There are 800m people in the world who are 'food insecure'. They can't grow enough food, or can't afford to buy it. This is a seismic shift in the global economy... "

Expect the worst and act accordingly...