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Alias Born 03/30/2009

Re: None

Tuesday, 06/02/2009 12:27:11 AM

Tuesday, June 02, 2009 12:27:11 AM

Post# of 289427
I would like to clear the air.

I think people here are not understanding where I am coming from. Please let me explain it to you. Someone, I think adkmoves, suggested that you read my posting history and you will see that I have other motives. By all my posting history. I'm not an empty-headed cheerleader for ANY stock I own. I ask questions and seek explanations for things that people gloss over or ignore because they don't want to think about them. In my opinion, you need to have a clear picture of both the negatives and positives in order to get an honest assessment of the status of a stock.

I believe any message board about a stock should contain as much information as possible. People come to the boards to gather info when deciding whether or not to invest in a company so in my opinion both negative and positive information are valid. Nobody who enthusiastically believes in a stock wants to hear anything negative about it, but trying to suppress things that are not just blindly positive is not in the overall best interest of the board. As Risk Vs. Reward noted, as long as the negative info is factual and civil, there's no problem with it. I'm glad some of the mods here can view things as an impartial moderator and not just a rabid defender of the stock and the CEO.

This morning someone made reference to BBDA products "on the shelves." That is just plain wrong. BBDA doesn't have any products on any shelves as of today and I pointed that out by listing the products, none of which are on the shelves and some of which actually don't even exist, yet. That's not a bash or a lie or a negative, it's just a fact. It's all I was addressing and I was addressing it literally. In fact, people who post that BBDA has 'products on the shelves' are possibly just confused or misinformed, but either way it should be cleared up. Why? Because someone who is coming here to learn about BBDA might take that as accurate info because it's stated as fact when it isn't. Does that help clarify what I'm getting at with my comments?

First someone pointed out that Potencia is on the shelves and suggested I do my research before saying something incorrect. I pointed out that Potencia isn't a BBDA product and someone questioned the 'method of my logic' and asked me what I found 'wrong' with it. Logic doesn't make Potencia a BBDA product. I understand the relationship between the two products as well as anyone here, but Potencia still isn't a BBDA product. That's not a bash or a lie or faulty logic, it's a fact. The only thing I find wrong is the lack of clarity on the important point that Potencia isn't a BBDA product. Along with the various reasons the products can have a symbiotic relationship there are business-related reasons why it's important to understand they are not even sold by the same company. That kind of info is important to investors that may come here looking for clear info on BBDA, so excuse me for not seeing the reason for pretending they are sold by the same company. Potencia revenues are not BBDA revenues even if they are used to support BBDA.

Then someone asked me if I had even watched the video and seen Piranha Water in the new blue bottle as though that somehow refuted my claim that BBDA doesn't have any products on the shelves. Yes, I watched the video. Three times, in fact. I saw the blue P.W. bottle every time. It's NOT on the shelves, it's on his desk. That's not a bash or a lie, it's a fact. The production is scheduled for a week from today. You can't put a product on the shelves that hasn't even been produced yet.

Then I posted a completely legitimate question about some expired Potencia that was shipped to a board member. Is that a lie? No, it really happened. The person who got the product even said so, again. Then someone freaked out because he was given a non-expired case at the race he attended and that somehow means that my pointing out that expired product cannot be sold (When in fact it just had been sold to a board member) is some kind of basher conspiracy or that I suggested Potencia LLC was shipping expired product to every retailer. In fact, what I said was IF they shipped expired product to stores, it would be returned. The only reference to product sell-by dates I have ever read on this board prior to today was the expired product being shipped to a board member. The other person could have calmly pointed out that he had gotten current product, so there was nothing to worry about, but instead he chose to attack me.

And finally, let me address the people who are complaining and asking me why I don't just sell my shares if I am unhappy, asking why I would complain about a stock I own, etc. Once again, since I've already posted it here previously: I sold all my shares last Friday.

I can already see the posts flying; 'If you don't even own any shares, why are you here bashing this stock.....blah blah blah.'

I am not bashing anything and I'm not complaining about the stock, either. Pointing out facts and asking questions that aren't necessarily positive is not bashing! It's just seeking out the truth about a company and its stock without having an agenda on either side. Is this board here just so people who own the stock can cheerlead and talk about how awesome the company is and how fantastic the CEO is..or is it here so everyone can get a view of the whole picture and make their own judgements on the company and CEO and if that view isn't just blindly positive, then you have to leave so you don't bother the cheerleaders or challenge them to think about anything from another viewpoint?

Like I said earlier in this post: go check my posting record. I posted nothing but positive impressions about BW early on because that's how I felt based on what I'd seen. I even doubled my number of shares. I'm the one who ponied up the $20 for the Delaware SOS info about the company and if you notice, I said exactly nothing about the 5B share number one way or the other. Is that the behavior of a basher or someone with an agenda? I put it up as a piece of important information for everyone's benefit.

On Friday I made a decision as an investor that I would sell my shares based on the uncertainty surrounding the share structure announcement in light of the apparent 5B shares in DE, the multiple state registrations, questions about potential dumping, etc. My thinking was that if the news was very bad, the price would drop and I wouldn't have lost. On the other hand, if the news was very good, then I could always buy back in today because I believed the PPS was not going to go up that much due to previous behavior of the stock on good news and the early stage status of the company with no products or revenue yet. I didn't buy back in but I may do so in the future, so that's why I am still here reading the board and following the news. If BW can follow through with all his plans and ideas and there's nothing sneaky going on, then I think this company has a great chance of succeeding. Once BBDA products are fully realized and being sold, I see the revenue goals near being met and the time frame and conditions for a possible reverse split come to pass, I will strongly consider jumping back in. Just for me, I have found too much uncertainty and too many red flags at this point to keep my money in here. If you are a true believer in BW and BBDA no matter what, more power to you and I hope your faith makes you a fortune. All I want to do is make sure that everything is on the table for those all important new investor$ to make a well-informed decision.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading. Mods: please let me know if I've insulted or bashed anyone or anything or given anyone a reason to attack me or call me names. If so, I apologize in advance and no I don't have anything better to do at midnight Monday night then type long-winded message board posts. Plus I only get three of them a day, so I have to cram a lot of stuff in. Whew!