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Re: A deleted message

Friday, 05/29/2009 2:47:03 AM

Friday, May 29, 2009 2:47:03 AM

Post# of 241044
At least wnbd is still twice as valuable,,,
as it should be , if it were an average pink.

According to worldwide + respected University Research
studies of pinks , covering more than 20 years , and even
referenced by the SEC , on their .gov website ;

The average pink loses 90% per year , compounded every year ,
and 90% of all pinks are BK within 3 years.

So , any pink unvester should be happy if he beats the
obviously expected averages , especially in a worldwide
recession+ ; thus, if the buy+hold+average-down pink long
has over 10% of his unvestment remaining , after any 1-year
period , That's Great. And wnbd is Twice As Good as Great.

Just 1 year ago , wnbd was bouncing around $0.02 , for many
months ; and even seemed to have stabilized after the first
'expected' US/NA pump to $0.05 , earlier in 2008. [That's
what attracted the shorters , who knew that it could not
possibly hold.] And, it didn't , but it's still holding up
Twice as well as it should be. [That's why the shorters are
still playing wnbd.]

Anyway ; in the last 1 year , wnbd is Only Down 80% ; from
$0.02 in May 2008 , to $0.004 now ; so, the wnbd common
buy+hold+average-down longs have retained ~20% of their
unvestment in wnbd. Which is Twice As Good As Average ,
for All pinks , worldwide , for the last 20+ years. And,
especially good , considering the fact that Real + Profitable
AND FULLY REPORTING STOCKS are still down 50% from last year.

extra , Sincerely . And GLTA.

P.S. ; The only 'question' about wnbd , for those who try
to invest , to actually make a profit , is , will wnbd
continue to out-perform the average pink. Lately , wnbd
seems to be 'reverting-to-the-mean' , and sinking even
faster than the pink average of -90% per year. What is
especially 'troubling' is that the price of the average Real
Stock is now UP 30-50% from its recent low , and expected to
continue recovering. While wnbd has started 'Filing' ~weekly
504's , proving that they must keep diluting their old longs,
to try to get enough new cash from 'Qualified Investors' ,
who can lend new cash in $5,000 - $30,000 chunks , every
week , seemingly endlessly , as long as the old unqualified
longs keep buying the new converting commons fast enough.

And, the most 'troubling' part of this 504 stuff is that it
seems that the Qualified 504'ers are getting a 50% 'discount'
and selling out ASAP , by under-bid-whacking , and within
1-2 weeks , to recover their super-short-term loan principal,
plus 100% extra profit ; almost as if they have NO restriction
on their Immediate Dumping of their newly-convertibles.

Looks like the wnbd CEO had to reverse his 'strategy' of
favoring the UNqualified longs , who are expected to just
keep buying+holding+averaging-down , for as long as it might
take , for the wnbd 'execs' to cover their salaries + other
expenses , and quit losing money , that Must Be Replaced ,
Every Week.

The most interesting question for shorters [+ longs] is :
How long will the wnbd longs keep buying the 3+ year-old
wnbd CEO's stories + 'strategies' + 6-Phase-Biz-Plan ; in
view of what is now obvious to even most of the unqualified
+ oldest wnbd longs [in addition to ~all the old shorters]?

The 'tipping point' for shorters was when the wnbd CEO had to
hire his first IR-guy , and start behaving + planning just
like an average pinky ; that needs some 'help' in selling
more new common shares , faster than the old longs can ever
hope to keep keeping up. Looks like the 3+ year-old wnbd
strategic toaster finally popped , and tipped over , and is
now igniting a [probably] short period of long-overdue wnbd
excitement. Expect the return of the good-old ratings and
activity for wnbd on iHub. As the flipping momo fire spreads.

Looks like wnbd is finally back to tracking the average pink ,
and making up for 3+ years of long lost time + cash.

Averaging-Down is profitable for shorters , only [and All pinky/penny CEO's + Brokers + M&M's].