Ditto DONNAS...gail, girl you ain't goin' nowhere...one bad day is bound to happen.
I'm a big believer in creating a personal "epiphany" whenever needed. When I feel the crap is being funnelled and I'm parked under it...I find things to REALLY focus on that matter in my life; my family, my friends, my faith and any other blessings that I can think of...it normally pulls me out of my funk. THESE are things that truly matter...not stocks.
I also had bypass surgery (in December 1997) and am as ornery as ever...just ask the wife (heh-heh). I've supplemented my diet, exercise and meds with a vitamin regimen that I came up with after reading some books by Dr. Andrew Weil and discovering his web site (easy to find). The biggest discovery - I take CoQ10 daily. It's standard heart health therapy in Europe and Asia...
Sorry for the lengthy O/T - but this is too important to just sit by and not kick in some thoughts. I just lost a friend last week (age 52) to a heart attack. He had his first one several years ago, but never changed what needed to be changed.
Gail - Honey we love you and need you...not because of your talents that are helping us all, but because of your compassion (and your passion...!). Today, like every day, shall pass...
You have friends here that care about you, we're going to be here for you...
Discipline & Patience = Good, Greed = Bad, Emotion = FATAL