RT: Weight loss, pills, exercise and diet.
"Removing 1 can of regular soda a year and you lose about 12 lbs a year if everything else remained the same.
I have held my tongue through most of this thread; I mostly agree with PGS that behavioral change through diet and exercise is much more likely to generate successful weight loss than the ARNA drug (and be a SUSTAINABLE weight loss to boot.)
Dew's comment that bariatric surgery is the better of two choices for the over 300# pt is a false dichotomy in that behavioral change, as above is a third and ultimately much more powerful choice to be used. I'm not sure if Dew meant to communicate that there were only two choices, though.
The above quote, however, is meaningless, IMO. While the calorie calculation you make may be correct, Randy, the body works on "Body Set Point" which down regulates metabolism to preserve the homeostatic weight of a patient who diets (as well as upregulates metabolism for brief feasts). There is no such thing as "everything else remaining the same" and the body will fight to eep weight the same until some drastic changes occur. That's why both brief diets and brief gluttony never change weight for more than a day or two.