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Alias Born 11/13/2008


Re: Militia Man post# 19717

Saturday, 03/28/2009 11:29:52 AM

Saturday, March 28, 2009 11:29:52 AM

Post# of 34414
U wrote: {{{{"Now if ppl want to misconstrue the past and 'skip' the facts}}}} There is MANY MANY MANY facts that can not be misconstrued, They are just FACTS plain and simple.

Lets talk about the "Past" of "Facts" inregards to Hunt Gold Corp.

The Company as Stated has 200 years of Mining experience as stated by Company's own hand. However it [LIED} when it stated the below on 5/02/2008. Absolutly with Out a Doubt a Blatant and Deliberate Lie to PUMP the PPS. It is impossible to be a Producing mine in 2008
05/02/2008 @ 11:50AM
IT is intended that the Company have "Mockingbird" restored as an operating and producing gold mine in 2008

"FACT" The Company LIED when it said it would be Dual listed on a European Stock exchange in January 2009. No mention since.

01/08/2009 @ 12:16PM
The Dual listing of the Company's shares of Common Stock in Europe will significantly reduce the "free float" of the Company's shares of outstanding stock in the United States as this Dual Listing will be coupled with a placement of these "free trading" shares with various European brokerage Houses.
The Company's European Corporate Finance Advisors and Brokers are confident that this will be achieved in January of 2009.

"FACT" The Company has stated numberous times that it is going to be a Reporting Company. But NEVER states when. it uses DECEPTCENTAL WORDS to Entice an Investor Action. It went so far as to State the below that it is {COMPLETING} its Audited Financials statements and can GUARANTEE STOCKHOLDERS is filling the docs to become a OTC-BB. Five months later? DECEPTION

11/03/2008 @ 11:35AM
Your Company is at this time completing its Audited Financial Statements and Management can guarantee stockholders that Company will be filing the requisite documentation in order to become a "Reporting Company" with the SEC. Once achieved, we will be seeking a quotation on the OTC BB.

"FACT"The Company Stated {SEVEN DAYS} after the {PROMISED} Pay date Announcment for Molygold Dividends that the [3rd party's ie: Transfer Agents" Were NOT ABLE To get it done. However, on 3/13/09 EVERY share holder was told that the Company was in {ADVANCED DISCUSSIONS} withe Buyer on terms and conditions of Restrictions of Stock. So {FACT} the COMPANY LIED on 2/12/09 when the it Stated that the TA Just could not get it done. FACT THEY/Company Lied.

02/12/2009 @ 8:00AM
Your Company's Management has elected to take the prudent and sensible approach which is designed to take the pressure off these third parties who will be responsible for the payment of these Stock Dividends. This approach by your Company's Management was decided upon in order to avoid any costly and time consuming mistakes being made in this Stock Dividend distribution, a situation which would not be in our stockholders best interests.

03/13/2009 @ 12:54PM
As of today, the Company is in advanced discussions with the purchasers of "American Molygold." These discussions involving restrictions on shares being distributed to our stockholders and various other scenarios proposed to us by external advisors to the Company, if successful, will resolve this issue for everybody's benefit and interests.

"FACT" HUNT Gold Corp has a $76,000 interest bearing Judgment from a Superior Court. However time and again the Company states it is has Massive Credit Lines etc etc. Pay Your Bills.

01/30/2009 @ 8:27AM
The Company is extremely well funded and able to do whatever is necessary to move its projects ahead.

The Clearest "FACTS" of Clear and Deceptional Acts perpatrated by Hunt Gold Corp is the "FACT" The Company has stated numerous times that a Corporate Website is going "live"'NEXT WEEK"Going Live THIS WEEK" GOING LIVE VERY SHORTLY. CLEAR DECEPTION./

12/17/2007 @ 12:36PM
Hunt Gold Corporation is preparing a new Corporate and Investor Relations web site, and it is expected that this will be launched SHORTLY.

03/31/2008 @ 11:42AM
It is expected that the initial web site and the preliminary reports will be available THIS WEEK with very detailed Reports to follow within the next fortnight.

06/17/2008 @ 5:16PM
The Company expects to launch its Corporate web site SHORTLY as well as the release of the detailed and updated Reports and valuations on each of its Gold Mining & Exploration projects.

06/19/2008 @ 12:17PM
The Company is launching its Corporate web site shortly in order to facilitate investor understanding of the Company, its assets and its Management Team.

10/08/2008 @ 12:48PM
It is expected that our Corporate web site should be COMPLETED and approved by WEEKEND.

11/03/2008 @ 11:35AM
The Company's Corporate web site, upon its completion, will be
extremely detailed and will provide the answers to large
number of stockholder and investor questions. It is GUARANTEED that this web site will go "live" VERY SHORTLY and stockholders may rest assured that its Management is fully aware of the urgency in the expediting of this web site.

11/13/2008 @ 11:50AM
Mr. Light's full resume will available on the Company's Corporate web site which is scheduled for completion VERY SHORTLY.

11/14/2008 @ 9:35AM
The web site with all vital investor information on the Company going "live."

11/17/2008 @ 10:07AM
Ed Huskinson's full resume will available on the Company's Corporate web site which is scheduled for completion very shortly.

11/18/2008 @ 9:52AM
Mr Frederick Blaauw's full resume as well as all of the other Executive's resumes will available on the Company's Corporate web site which is scheduled for completion very shortly.

11/25/2008 @ 8:50AM
The only above-mentioned events not yet announced to date, are the Corporate web site for your Company going "live" and the details of your Company's new IR firm; these will be announced jointly on Monday December 1, 2008 and prior to "Market Open" on that date.

11/26/2008 @ 11:04AM
As announced, the JV cannot and will not purchase any shares of your Company's Common Stock in the market, for ethical reasons, and not until the Corporate web site goes "live" and the appointment of the new IR Firm is announced, this being on Monday December 1, 2008.

12/01/2008 @ 10:28AM
The Company expected the launch of its Corporate site this morning,however this will not be possible as certain vital content is not as yet completed. The Corporate web site will be "live" VERY SHORTLY. The Company promises that it will be extremely comprehensive and informative and your Company's Management believes that it will be considered as "Cutting edge" insofar as the Company's web site will contain "live market feed" and other fairly innovative features.

12/03/2008 @ 12:28PM
The Company is completing last minute additions to the site and is working with various specialist third party providers for "live feed" to the web site. The Company expects this web site; to be "live" very shortly.

12/05/2008 @ 12:40PM
Stockholders will be in a position to download very comprehensive reports on each of these Gold Mining Properties from the Corporate web site as they are completed by Professor Colliston and the Company's Geologists. This is a very brief overview in order to assist stockholders prior to those reports being made available.

12/11/2008 @ 9:56AM
Video was taken throughout the day, and will be posted on the Company's website once operational next week.

01/20/2009 @ 9:13AM
Pat's full resume will be available on the Company's Corporate website which is scheduled for completion very shortly.

Your Company's Management has been unable to complete the web site as promised due to the delays in the completion of the Reports of your Company's various Gold properties by the Company's Geologists, this being coupled with the endless delays in the integration of the "live data feed" to the Corporate web site, by the existing web site designers; and to that end; your Company's Management has now outsourced the completion and the ongoing management of your Company's web site to MDM Worldwide Solutions, Inc., your Company's Investor Relations firm.

02/12/2009 @ 8:00AM
The detailed Reports of each of your Company's Gold properties will be available for download from the Corporate web site as soon as they are completed. Your Company's Management is confident that this issue is resolved without any further unnecessary delays. The Company's Management concedes that these delays to date are inexcusable and apologize to their stockholders respectfully for these unacceptable delays.
Stockholders may rest assured that their Company's Management is acutely aware of the importance of a professional, detailed and informative Corporate web site and one that is updated on a daily basis with new information as it becomes available. MDM Worldwide Solutions, Inc. will be responsible for the management of your Company's Corporate web site, daily upgrades, marketing as well as very regular informative E Mail distribution to your Company's Corporate web site subscribers.

02/12/2009 @ 2:11PM
As announced, the Joint Venture Company cannot and will not purchase any shares of your Company's Common Stock in the market, for ethical reasons, until the Corporate web site goes "live" and stockholders are in possession of all the facts required to enable to them accurately assess the value of your Company.

02/18/2009 @ 10:34AM
The Joint Venture Company will commence
with purchases of the Company's stock in the market upon the launch of the Corporate web site by the Company's recently retained IR Company, MDM Worldwide Solutions, Inc.

02/19/2009 @ 12:07PM
Additional purchases of the Company's shares of Common Stock by the Joint Venture Company will be effected in the market upon the launch of the Company's web site by the Company's IR Firm, MDM Worldwide Solutions, Inc.

02/23/2009 @ 11:22AM
Additional purchases of the Company's shares of Common Stock by the Joint Venture Company will be effected in the market upon the launch of the Company's web site by the Company's IR Firm, MDM Worldwide Solutions, Inc.

03/13/2009 @ 12:54PM
The Company together with its IR Firm, MDM Worldwide Solutions, Inc., intends to get this web site "live" and now. Once "live," we will continue to update this site and provide more data on an ongoing basis. This will enable stockholders to accurately analyze our Company, a situation which they are not in a position to do due to the unacceptable situation of having no Corporate web site.