Yes Midrew, specifically "start up companies" are mentioned.
If I was a small business, and had a product on the market, with potential, though was privately held, I would apply.
Now a company in the process of up listing, with a real product, and with a potential positive return given their industry..(funeral in case I am not being clear) and manufacturers, distributors, sales people working hard to get the product on the grid so to speak which are licensed urns and caskets endorsed by MLB, the Vatican, the Military, Collegiate,
Startrek, (got to love the spread here...Cat and Dog etc. I would also apply. Come on!!! Give me a break with your constant gloom and doom. You have been here long enough to decide if this is a good investment for you.
Please view the news you can access on your computer or read the link in full I posted or perhaps listen to CNN or any other news network of you choice. OR GOOGLE FOR YOURSELF.
Better yet, I am also investing in several pummeled blue chip stocks, maybe you could recoup your losses there as well.
PM me if you want my choices.
Good evening Mid