You're not necessarily the bad guy, but you don't have solutions either. I don't think they have the luxury of another year. All necessary deals are in place, there are no more excuses...there will, imo, be extreme pressure now from Qtrax direct investors to perform and see some return. Unfortunately, the BLLN pps may not provide that return, we don't know yet, but there can only be a few more weeks left, i.e until "launch" to see if it does. Separation of Qtrax from BLLN must be a consideration. You talk about a disconnect between what is said and what is done, if that disconnect carries over to the process of separating Qtrax, that is a major problem imo.
These will, imo, become major issues within weeks, not a year, unless this starts to perform financially.
How are Qtrax direct investors going to even get a return unless they also have BLLN shares? If they do have BLLN shares, and the price stays at this level, after all the money the Qtrax directs have put in, they are not going to be happy campers are they. No one here might have the gall to do something about this, but I would think the Qtrax directs will.
BLLN shareholders should be doing everything they can to find out what the Qtrax direct investments mean for their shareholding in BLLN imo. That is the critical issue. It is as important a piece of DD you would need to know right now, if you were thinking of buying BLLN shares imo.