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Saturday, February 21, 2009 12:43:02 AM
GeneWize News ~
GeneWize Special NewsCast Bulletin
To help all Affiliates further understand our exciting new packages a Special Leadership Update Call was recorded on February 17, 2009. You can listen in by calling 712-432-8980 then enter the access code: 14159 and select item 1#.
From the Office of the CEO Monte Taylor
Happy Friday Everyone! Here's your second "Heads Up" NewsCast with some additional new updates and minor corrections. Thanks for all your input on Monday's NewsCast, we appreciated your positive feedback and your help in finding some typo's and need for clarification on some items, so here's Version 2.0. Dig in and start learning now and get ready to create a big Enrollment Explosion in March. Pay very close attention to all of the dates and details as the entire program does not roll out all at once.
Remember that Pre-Launch starts Monday, and PLEASE don't miss the opportunity to become a Certified GeneWize Affiliate for only $95! This offer is only available for the next TWO WEEKS, and absolutely will be replaced by the standard pricing of $399 on March 9th, so don't miss out! Now....on with the show!
1. LAST CHANCE for the $259 Basic Affiliate Package and $529 Business Builders Package:
This current Basic Affiliate package will be replaced on Monday, February 23rd with a new $299 Basic Affiliate package, so if you have budget minded "fence-sitters" that would like to be GeneWize Affiliates at the lowest price, enroll them before February 23rd!
What's new with this package? It will be shipped with the new LifeMap Essentials Product (30-day supply) and has a Business Volume (BV) of 150 and Direct Commission (DC) of $50. Shipping and Handling stay the same at $19.75. (Read on for a "PRE-Launch" easy to use chart that shows the packages available from February 23rd through March 8th.)
*Thanks to all of you that noticed there was no chart last time - it was still being baked.
Download 2009 Pre-Launch Customer & Affiliate Product and Package Prices:
Limited Time Pre-sale 2/23/09 through 3/8/09
Note: The $529 Business Builders Package goes away on February 23rd and on March 9th is replaced by a new $499 Business Builders Package (see section 5 below).
2. NEW LifeMap Essentials Product:
We are very excited to bring you what the Field has been asking for - a "non-Custom" version of LifeMap Nutrition that can ship WITH the Affiliate Kit. COO John Souza and the manufacturing team have been setting up production over the past few weeks, and we are ready to roll. LifeMap Essentials gives the user all of the nutritional ingredients of the Genetically Guided LifeMap customized product EXCEPT for the SNP Boosts that are the custom part of each Customer's formula. The advantage here is that each Customer or Affiliate will receive a 30-day supply of LifeMap Essentials immediately, and will be shipped this product until they have returned their DNA swabs and their genetically guided LifeMap Custom is formulated. Typically this means that a customer will receive one or more shipments of LifeMap Essentials prior to receiving their LifeMap Custom. The best news? Our Customers and Affiliates will now have 60-90 days of better health while we produce their Custom formula, and they can become excited promoters of GeneWize that much earlier! Note: LifeMap Essentials will ship with ALL new orders placed starting February 23rd.
Download New Frequently Asked Questions regarding the New Packages and GW Academy
3. NEW LifeMap Custom:
As you may have guessed by now, the "original" genetically customized version of LifeMap Nutrition Supplements is now going to be called.....(Drum roll, please.....).....LifeMap Custom!
We asked our on-staff rocket scientist and Marketing Communications Director Gary Beeman for a jazzy name for our pre-existing product, and all he could come up with was "it's custom, so let's use a capital C and call it Custom." We were so overwhelmed we were temporarily there you have it! "LifeMap Custom" is born, and we are now searching for a new ad agency for future names in case that was the last of Gary's brilliant ideas.
4. NEW GeneWize Academy Online Certification Training!
(Available on or about March 9th)
Receive an Upgrade to One-Star status with successful Graduation and Enrollment of 4 Active Affiliates!
Here is a great new way to receive ALL NEW training for yourself and your new Affiliates. Scotty K and the the entire GeneWize Management Team have spent an incredible amount of time writing, producing, editing, and testing 12 ALL NEW VideoTraining Modules that have accompanying tests. You'll see six hours of classes on the GeneWize Mission and Vision, the LifeMap Nutrition Systems, Back Office Training, the Compensation Plan, Successful Selling Strategies, Corporate Culture and Compliance, and many other topics, all to be detailed in the coming NewsCasts. YES, you MUST pass the tests at the end of each module in order to become CERTIFIED. Are the tests difficult? NO. If you watch the videos, you will likely pass the first time, and if not you can watch the training modules as many times as you like and re-take each module test. NOTE: GeneWize Academy will come with a FREE 60-day subscription to where you will access GeneWize Academy. GWA (GeneWize Academy) will be online on or about March 9th. You will receive a special password to access the GWA portion of GeneWizeVideo.
WHEN you pass the GWA tests, AND you have FOUR Active Affiliates (not Customers), you will then be a GeneWize Certified Affiliate, proving to the world that you have received and passed all the courses necessary to carry out Certified GeneWize business, and you will have four active downline Affiliates working for you. YES, if you already have four Active Affiliates signed, you already qualify for Certification as soon as you pass the on-line courses. It's just that easy! As a reward for our new class of Certified Affiliates, our on-staff Events Coordinator and Creative Jewelry Designer Patty Elizee has created a special "GeneWize Certified" gold pin that you can proudly wear at all your Affiliate Events, in your sales presentations, or at the beach. It has FOUR DIAMONDS* on the pin signifying your "Enroll Four Affiliates" status and ONE DIAMOND* to show that you passed GeneWize Academy Certification.
*(GeneWize reserves the right to utilize special and rare VHQ (very high quality) synthetic diamonds depending on economic conditions and the fact that the pin would cost more than the entire Affiliate package if we used real diamonds).
FOR A TWO WEEK PERIOD ONLY FROM FEBRUARY 23RD through MARCH 8TH, ALL CURRENT AFFILIATES CAN ENROLL IN GENEWIZE ACADEMY FOR $95 INSTEAD OF THE NORMAL STAND-ALONE GWA PRICE OF $399. (Note: GeneWize Academy is included in the New $499 Business Builder Package starting March 9th)
5. NEW Professional Business Builders Package Available March 9th!
Now that's great news. The current Business Builder Affiliate Package is $529 and has 250BV. It will be replaced on March 9th with the NEW Business Builder Package at $499 with 300 BV AND it includes GeneWize Academy enrollment! The best news is that you'll make more commission while selling a much higher value package at a lower price! The new Business Builder package has 10 blockbuster advantages:
Affiliate Starter Kit with four DVD's (Corporate, Kiyosaki, Pilzer & Rohn)
DNA Presentation/Collection Kit
DNA Assessment w/Electronic Report
LifeMap Essentials 30-day supply
GeneWize Academy Online Training
60-day free trial GeneWize Video System
Marketing Website and “Back Office”
Direct Commission(DC) $100.00
Business Volume (BV) 300
An $842 value for only $499 (a savings of 41%)
Upgrade to One-star status with GW Academy Graduation and four enrolled Affiliates
Are there more details? Absolutely, so stay tuned to this NewsCast Channel for further information. We will be loading you up with everything you need to be ready to generate the NEW GENEWIZE LAUNCH EXPLOSION.
Download New Frequently Asked Questions regarding the New Packages and GW Academy
Download 2009 Pre-Launch Customer & Affiliate Product and Package Prices:
Limited Time Pre-sale 2/23/09 through 3/8/09
SO.....what are your marching orders and selling instructions for the next few days? Good question, and a simple formula:
1. Sell all the $259 packages you can before the price increase to $299 for the Basic Affiliate Package.
2. Enroll in GeneWize Academy for $95 and become a "Certified Affiliate" at a $304 dollar savings. Besides, you don't want your Downline or friends to be Certified if you're not, do you? SIGN UP BEFORE MARCH 9th!!.
3. GET READY FOR THE NEW BUSINESS BUILDER $499 PACKAGE with 300 BV! Bring in all your new Affiliates on March 9th!
Next NewsCast: Monday February 23rd with more details and the kickoff of the Two Weeks of Official Pre-Launch!
Event Reminders:
GeneWize Fly-In Event In Orlando
Wellness Gets Personal!
Tickets are extremely limited and are issued on a first-come, first served basis. Reserve early.
Register Here
WHEN: February 27 and 28th, 2009
Feb 27
Feb 28 Friday
Saturday 7:00pm - 10:00pm ORLANDO
9:00am - 9:00pm ORLANDO
Where: Orlando, FL
Sheraton Orlando North
600 North Lake Destiny Drive
Maitland, FL 32751
Hotel: 866-837-5175
Special Room Rate -- $99/night
Reservations call: 866-837-5175
Be sure to mention GeneWize Life Sciences to get your special rate!
Friday 7:00pm - 10:00pm - Corporate Business Overview / Mixer
This is a longer overview of the opportunity that features executives from GeneWize and scientists from our Scientific Advisory Board. You and your guests will get a big picture overview.
Get there early REGISTRATION BEGINS AT 6:30 pm.
Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm - Business Builder Training / Overview
Learn how to build the business from top earners.
You'll get specific strategies for creating a large organization.
Saturday 7:00pm - 9:00pm NEW! "Out of the Box Training"
Stay for a mastermind brainstorming and information session. You won't want to miss it. Experts and Top Affiliates will share their tips and experiences with self branding and how to effectivley use social media for networking. You'll also learn how to think outside the box and step out of your comfort zone. Afterwards the floor will be open for networking and fun!
Los Angeles GeneWize Fly-In
WHEN: March 6 and 7, 2009
Mar 6
Mar 7 Friday
Saturday 7:00pm - 10:00pm PST
9:00am - 4:00pm PST
Where: Los Angeles, California
Woodland Hills Hilton
6360 Canoga Avenue
Woodland Hills, CA 91367-2535
Hotel: 818-595-1000
Click Here for Directions
Saturday TICKET PRICE: $2 0/person. Cost is non-negotiable and non-refundable.
Contact: Babette Teno 818-577-5552
Friday 7:00pm - 10:00pm: Special Mixer
Free Business Mixer at the Hilton Lounge. This is a meet and greet event - bring business cards to exchange. Buy your own drinks and food, if desired.
Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm: Training
Affiliates and Customers receive executive training. Hear the recent updates and releases that can catapult the California Affiilates to new levels.
Leadership Update Call (Affiliates Only) 20 minute max.
712-432-7670 Access Code - 14159# 8:00 PM EST
Thursday: Business Presentation Call (Bring Your Guests) 15 minutes max.
712-432-7670 Access Code - 14159# 8:00 PM EST
24 Hour Recorded Calls: Replay of Latest Monday & Thursday Calls
712-432-8980 then Enter The Access Code 14159
then 1# for Monday, 2# for Thursday
More News Next Time...
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