Volume Question:
I use the streamer here on iHub and it shows the BUY Volume and Sell Volume. Sometimes I can make sense of it and it'll show strong Sell volume when a stock is down a good amount or the reverse. Other times, I'm trying to figure out if it matters.
Like today, UYG is down around 3% at the moment, but has 16.5 million BUY volume and 12.5 million Sell Volume. 4 mil plus on the buys ide. I would assume then, that the Buy volume was much greater when the price dropped earlier.
Do you guys watch that on the indicators? Is that where the Accum or the On Balance Volume indicators help? Do you use these indicators to confirm your trend?
Any thoughts are appreciated. I'm learning as much as I can. Thanks.
These thoughts are just mine, not right, not wrong, just thoughts. Invest in what you believe in, not what I believe in. Do your research, and invest in the facts.