Things I hope to learn about 141 Capital
1. Current Share Structure and dilution policy
2. Trading results details- account size, and whether the account is comprised of 141's money or someone else's money
With that info, I think we can start to value this thing properly and invest accordingly.
Without it, the risk is high, imo.
However, the trading results were good. Were they as good as expected by 141? I don't know, but perhaps. If that were the case, that could give us a sense of the revenues, since previous PR indicated that they expect to cover operating expenses with their revs. I would think they would have made this prediction conservatively.
So what are their operating expenses?
Difficult to speculate... perhaps I should just wait! :D
God grant me the serenity to deal with the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and should; and wisdom to know the difference.