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Alias Born 02/15/2007

Re: None

Friday, 02/06/2009 11:49:47 AM

Friday, February 06, 2009 11:49:47 AM

Post# of 166
List 2-06-09 - aani- short but jumpy, wait for it. These are some of the best to flip it seems.
- acth- xxx, was trnp but that r/s jan 2009
- Adcs- back to watch list from ibox.
- adgr- xxx
- adtd- changed names now called aldi.
- aerp- ibox (ran after it was put in the ibox, but is coming back down, wait for it)
- agho- xxx
- aglv- xxx
- amhd- back to watch list from ibox.
- aqua- downward spiral. Watch for now.
- ario- xxx, just did r/s and fell hard.
- asii- xxx
- asvn- xxx
- atno- ibox
- atve- no volume, but is hitting .0001’s finally.
- atwt- ibox
- avln- xxx (per Janice shell)
- avne- xxx was wnsh then r/s
- Avnt- ibox
- avti- xxx
- avvh- little volume and trades like a grey, but is pink, watch only.
- avwi- watch list for now, tons sold at .0001, then no volume. Smells of r/s.
- awyi- w/l for now – called awyie for late filing
- bban- watching
- bbda- xxx- short d/w spiral chart, now seeing lots of red bars at .0001.
- bcnd- ibox… was itlv. Changed names but didn’t r/s so that’s cool.
- bdlf- xxx
- bdrr- w/l since d/w spiral.
- bhwf- w/l for now (was ibox)
- bnpd- still too high. wish I had bought it when I found it. Watch list.
- bnyn - xxx
- bpmt- xxx
- brvo- chart nice but not enough shares to even trade.
- bugs- ibox, runs very high on low shares.
- bunm- xxx
- cbay- xxx
- cfsc- w/l, too few shares to mess with
- cggp- xxx- r/s’d, now called ctno
- cics- watch only
- cint- ibox
- cirt- w/l til runs again.
- ckei- xxx
- clxn- xxx (temp clxne for late filing)
- cmeg- ran nice, coming down, but I don’t trust it, so, still watching.
- cmlt- back to w/l due to massive dumping and much of it under .0001.
- cngi- low shares and no volume, w/l only
- cpog- xxx as it r/s and now called sthc.
- cpox- xxx
- crgo- w/l for now (was ibox)
- crld- w/l Lawrence found it but just not enough shares to trade it.
- croe- pulled from ibox since news said r/s, (update) 1/29/08.. no r/s yet.. anyone??
- csce- low volume, w/l
- csce- ok chart but only 4 board marks and no chatter and cornels name comes up. So, there you go
- cstc - xxx r/s and is cstl
- cwir- xxx
- cxac – w/l since .0002’s hitting, but still too much at .0001
- cydf- xxx r/s now called cydm
- cyos- almost no volume.
- cysg- xxx
- dbyc- xxx
- dcnm- bummer, is xxx for now, as is dcnmq, that means bankrupt my friends.
- dgia- xxx r/s and is now dgin
- diaaf - watch for now, too much at .0001.
- dkgr- watch only, not enough volume.
- dlav- xxx
- dmgs- xxx
- dnag- w/l only cause it ran and stayed up after the ibox.
- dpfd- ibox
- dtgp- xxx , not enough volume.
- ebdf- r/s and is now srhs (yet ran 400% after that, wow)
- ecci- back to w/l as too much dumping at .0001.
- ecga- fell hard and too much red at .0001
- ecgr- w/l too slow
- eeso- wow, took off, see if comes back down. Watch for now.
- eigh- w/l- too low of volume
- emji- watch
- encs- from ibox back to watch list for now.
- epcg- ibox
- epgl - xxx, its gone it appears.
- epra- not really enough shares to even trade.
- eruc- xxx
- etls - xxx
- expt- see ibox. (went to w/l but back to ibox)
- eyii- xxx
- fcle- w/l for now, but I flipped it 2x so far. Is going to r/s 20:1 but not xxx’ing til does.
- fdmf- xxx
- ffgo- w/l, too much hitting .0001 and janice hates it, ‘nuff said.
- flip- too few shares, so, w/l
- fmnj- pulled from ibox after the bigger dump, still dumping. Watch.
- fnix – xxx and then r/s to fnxc
- garqf- odd short chart, watch
- gbdx- started trading again. Not ibox worthy though.
- geac- crashed, burned, now is in our range.. No trading lately?
- gfci- xxx
- gglb- watch only, I smell r/s coming w/all the selling off for days now.
- gith- xxx
- glco- xxx (was glcp and r/s’d)
- glcp - xxx, r/s and now called glco (it went dead at .0001 prior fyi)
- glrc- xxx
- gmfx- xxx
- gpcie- w/l for now, falling hard
- grmu- watch for now.
- gshn- not enough volume for ibox.
- gtla- watch?? changed name to phnl. Because R/s right vs. name change?
- hcfi- w/l, I broke the rule getting this. I see a fat green volume bar a few days back.
- hcpc - xxx
- hefI- xxx
- hesv- xxx, dead and no volume
- hglc- back to w/l, wayyyy too much dumping at .0001 for days now.
- hisu- xxx- hitting below .0001 even
- hkbv- xxx- is a grey sheet, even though pink and yahoo showed as pink sheet.
- hnso- xxx, going to r/s per news by 12/31/08- update, r/s now called hnss
- hshl- watch for now, no vol, then sudden vol, then died out at .0001.
- hwbi- very odd one, watch only
- hxpn- all over, little volume, poss grey sheets? Watch for now.
- iary- one bounce, then dead, so, ill w/l for now
- ibxg- w/l, nice chart but no volume
- icbu- xxx
- icoa- fell hard, so watch for now
- icty- watch
- idcn- watch still
- idgi- xxx
- idta- ibox
- ifhr- ibox, had some sell off but bouncing now.
- ifsl- xxx
- igai- acts like a grey, no volume, watch only
- igpg- w/l for now since very short history
- igtg- xxx, bounces but not enough volume to bother with it.
- igtp- xxx, acts like a grey, oh, cause it’s a pink but unsolicited warnings
- ihgr – xxx – r/s many times and just r/s again to ihgp.
- ilvg- xxx
- imgw- w/l, flatlined for 2 mths but dfly thinks it will run, lets watch it.
- imjx- xxx
- inbg- ibox
- incl- was mihs, changed name to reduce o/s im told. w/l for now, since too quiet.
- insn- xxx- r/s and is now insq.
- insq- xxx (was insn)
- ipkl- xxx- is a grey sheet
- iqmc- w/l only cause of no volume, but has a super nice chart.
- irbl- ibox
- itec- some have doubled on this but its said to r/s, but we don’t know when. w/l for now
- itlv- (see bcnd)
- itmuq- xxx
- ivcm now ivcme? Xxx, don’t like it now.
- ivit - w/l to much selling off at .0001
- ivoi- back to w/l, too much at .0001.
- ivot- ibox
- jnip- watch
- knose- (late filer) short chart, in our range, but watch for now.
- lecbf- xxx, it IS grey sheet.
- lnbo- xxx
- ltdi- xxx, r/s now called ltdu
- mbir- xxx, it r/s to mobi
- mcci- watch only- skull & bones, but moves nicely on low shares.
- mcvi- ??xxx- Said .000, but chart shows .06? No volume anyway.
- mdin- w/l- is temp called mdine due to late filing. (some of these bounce back fine)
- medv- xxx, it r/s then hit .0001 and just r/s again to mtro.
- mglg- ibox
- mgrn- w/l – acts like r/s coming.
- mhgi- dead all year at .0001, and just touched .0002, watching.
- mihs- (see incl).
- mlhp- medium low shares but nice chart, but dead most of the year
- mlxo- low volume, but nice movements. Watching.
- mmgp- ibox
- mmte- bounced nice all year up higher, then sudden crash. R/S coming?
- mnty- xxx
- mobl- wait for .0001 .0003 has been the low but hits .0008 area nicely just fyi
- modc- “stocks” find but was at .0008. does hit .0001, so wait for it w/l for now
- modi- xxx
- mona- too much dumping at .0001 lately
- mort- xxx
- movt- w/l, and the mod is on a paid pumper list?? Also, cause dumping below .0001
- mstf- xxx
- mtpw- xxx- just r/s’d
- ncti- xxx
- nlai- strange one, watch only for now.
- nseo- watch only
- nthd- almost iboxed it, but w/l per learner, who advises its in some sort of default?
- nubv-xxxxxxx, the extra x’s are for my friend “learner” - r/s and now called nbvg.
- nwtt- downward spiral on low volume w/l
- nxhd- xxx. r/s 3x last year. And 1x this year.
- ofon- xxx- was xxis
- olnk- see ibox
- opgx- w/l but too few shares
- osrc- xxx
- pavc- xxx, was warned it may r/s for sure via a p/m I got.
- pbls- ibox- gems find, bouncing nicely for now.
- pdgt- ibox
- pfeh- dead then, sudden volume.
- pfms- ibox- when I found it…. sudden run to .0005 on 1/28/09
- pfob- w/l
- pgpm- ibox
- pgsw- ibox
- phei- w/l as still too high after huge run (was ibox)
- phgi- r/s to prgl… xxx
- phmb- ibox, super hot chart.
- pinr- w/l (temp) but ONLY due to scary news Friday 1/23/09, yet, no real panic. I still like the chart.
- pmdp- w/l fell like a rock but and is skull and bones pink. Maybe will get better rating later?
- pmed- xxx talk of r/s. yup, it r/s and is now called pdmi.
- pnhl- xxx, r/s and now called gtla.
- pnms- watch for now
- popne- xxx and the e is for late filing.
- popt- putting it back on ibox, looking good again.
- prhb- xxx per surf info, had no volume all year, than sudden dumping
- prmo- tons dumped for days at .0001, is it r/s’ing? Watch for now.
- prsf-xxx
- prxd- xxx, only cause no shares to really trade.
- psed- watch for now. Acts like a grey sheet.
- pswr- xxx
- pwlk- downward spiral, and little volume, w/l for now
- pwtc- w/l for now, was ibox.
- pyct- xxx
- qedc-xxx
- rbdc- fell from .14 to .0001 in a mth, watch only.
- rcch- w/l for now, til runs again.
- rdwg- downward spiral, too many .0001 vs .0002, so watch for now.
- rdym- xxx
- reng- xxx
- rklc- xxx
- rmdm- xxx
- rmoe - xxx- haha, the awful raven moon.. They are r/s kings! I KNOW!
- rmtd- xxx --- r/s now called rind.
- rnvo- too high now, it took off.
- rnwf- ibox
- rpdi - see notes under tshl.
- rpdm- ibox – but see the warning there in the ibox
- rsmi- xxx
- rusl- too much dumping at .0001, watch for now.
- rvgd- pulled from ibox, I hear it really may r/s. watching for now
- rwrd- no volume, watch
- sbdl- xxx, told going to r/s
- sbrx- xxx
- sevo- xxx after ceo told me he resigned and had worries. Sold it to another company.
- sewc- ibox.
- sfad- ibox
- shmm- xxx r/s and now called shom
- shndw- full pink but too low of shares
- skgo- watch only
- skyf- xxx
- sljb- w/l- acts like a grey- but is a pink skull and bones, so we will see if it upgrades
- smas-fizzling, so w/l for now.
- smmt- ibox
- smtr- xxx (also, temp called smtre)
- smwf- watching, too much at .0001 last I looked.
- snrs-xxx
- sprl- pulled from ibox, too much at .0001 lately, so, w/l
- spzi- pulled from ibox, not enough bounce right now.
- sswc- xxx - now called sswce.
- svgi- not enough shares for us, w/l for now
- swpc- xxx, r/s and is now slwr
- swvc- xxx, (see swyv)
- swyv- xxx, was swvc and is already at .0001!
- sydi- xxx- r/s now called synj, then drop 90% last I looked.
- syho- xxx
- synj- xxx , was sydi, then r/s.
- tclt - xxx, r/s and called teca. (haha, and already at .0001!)
- teca- xxx (see tclt notes)
- tfzi- falling, bouncing to .0002 but still only w/l.
- tkere- xxx
- tlpe- ibox
- tnri- back to w/l from ibox, too quiet at .0001 for now.
- tntu- w/l cause of no shares to speak of to trade.
- tofs- acting like a grey, not sure, low volume. Watch only
- trdq- don’t let the “q” fool you, see ibox.
- trkb- xxx
- trnp- xxx- just r/s jan 2009 and is now acth.
- trsi- w/l - my brother lives 2 miles away, rode by and said it’s a real place.
- tshl- w/l-- too much selling at .0001. fell like a rock after changing name from rpdi.
- tssp- only hitting .0001 with some painted .0002’s, watch only for now.
- ttrif- w/l, short history and needs to come down a bit more for us
- twlo- w/l but learner said they may be going out of buz, just fyi.
- twsrf- too few shares w/l
- tyria- xxx
- ucoi- r/s’d 6/30 now called “unco”- xxx, acts like a grey sheet.
- udtt- xxx, changed names and too high pps now- now called undt
- unvc- super low volume, so watch only.
- usga- ibox
- usxp- xxx, tons hit below .0001.
- uvse- w/l since its fizzling and most of us couldn’t get it to flip it.
- uwrl- xxx
- vcty- w/l falling fast and no volume
- vlrn- w/l and sudden sell off.
- vltn- xxx, no chart, news or ihub chatter.. Anyone??
- voic- ibox (but barely)
- vrgd- after a super massive run, it r/s and is called mmuh. See people, you need to sell, its sad but true.
- vshc- all over, may be a grey, watch only
- vstr- sudden volume and run, but dead all year, so w/l for now.
- vsus- xxx, just announced r/s to vsut
- wehi-xxx
- whka- skull & bones pink, but nice chart. w/l only for now.
- wift- w/l- appears sell off in late dec, and too quiet at last check
- wmda- xxx- not enough shares and dead most of the year
- wnsh- xxx - r/s and now called avne.
- woam- appears r/s , fell hard, bounced, falling again. Watch only for now.
- wrii-xxx
- wrnw- xxx r/s’d is now called Lhpt.
- wtvn- xxx (now called wift after r/s)-xxx
- xhua- ibox
- xkem- xxx (temp called xkemq)
- xmdc- dropped to the w/l---- died out at .0001
- xxis- xxx- r/s now called ofon.
- zcmn- xxx- r/s now called zcnw
- zipi- w/l d/w spiral with a little bounce, but lets watch a little longer. Don’t trust this one yet.

What is your agenda? Please provide proof that any wrong doing is happening and do not post hype.

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