Big Mur, I appreciate the long post. I DD'd some of that, but I didn't and still don't see any evidence of unethical dealings that some have alluded to.
The dotcom collapses left a lot of people a little worse off and a lot wiser. The main thing I want to know about someone in charge is, did s/he LEARN from it, and is s/he likely to repeat it?
From what I've been able to gather so far, the answers in this particular case are looking like "yes" to the former and "no" to the latter. It looks like the CEO and the COO are being more careful at this point, and have another 10 or so years of experience to draw on. I especially appreciate the angle of being debt free. It's a hard lesson for many individuals and companies at this juncture in time, but one Hemi isn't having to be schooled in, apparently.
Again, this is just a small piece of the overall picture. moneymogul2b, I'm sorry this looks like a reply to you.
BTW - someone had a comment about the PR mispellings? Typically the staff at the service - Businesswire, in this case - is supposed to vet any release. If anything, I would be disinclined to trust the service. Maybe Hemi should change services or have a talk with the illiterates at Businesswire.