Great find's DEFINATELY on my watch list....
I'm just not buying ANYTHING right fact....I'm
backing way off, converting as much of my winners back into
cash that I can....once they pop...they are gone now.
Summer is in full swing now so the RUN that I thought was
coming is NOT, obviously. By the time things heat up again
we will be in FULL SWING election time....TO MUCH RISK THERE FOR ME !
I have lost EVERY SINGLE SHRED of FAITH that I have EVER had
in the American people and their ability to protect themselves.
I won't go into any politics here but I just REFUSE to risk
ONE PENNY on Kerry. This market is fragile ENOUGH....his
policies will CRUSH US ! I don't even want to THINK about what
it will mean for the TERRORIST...nothing short of a FIELD DAY
of killing of American's both HERE and overseas. All they
As soon as we back off of them...we will be doomed !
With HALF the American's at home NOW being ON THERE SIDE...
I'm not sure we aren't DOOMED....NOW !!
I just happen to think that I COULD make money in this market...
but judging from my losses in the last few months I can't deny
that I was WAY wrong !
nOw..I have changed my opinion and don't think I'll be BUYING
big again until/IF GeeWya is in office for a second term.
I'm to close to retirement to take any more losses on a country
where 50% or MORE of their citizens will NOT SUPPORT THEIR own
Commander in Chief in a TIME OF WAR ????
I HOPE IM TOTALLY WRONG about all of this, BUT, I"m not willing
to risk having to eat DAWG FOOD for the rest of my life !!!
MY MONEY IS COMING OUT.....I started today....
CYPT doji'ed and I SOLD my 5k shares and I'm NOT looking for
another company, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THREE YEARS, to put
my money back into....I'd rather buy a couple of more NEW SAILS !!!