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Re: sps50 post# 28144

Wednesday, 12/17/2008 1:19:43 PM

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:19:43 PM

Post# of 42867
I agree that the reverse split scenario is weak and Petty knows that stocks that RS often go down immediately. A thousand to one RS would only make the stock a penny. As for the notion that insiders sold at prices up to 15 cents, the writer forgets that it was the Evo Morales nationalization statement that caused the stock to drop on May day, 2 plus years ago. The large amount of OS shares is troubling even if the true float is less. Can you explain the vendor theory of exchanging shares. eg. If a vendor of a truck was given a billion shares valued at .0001( a $100,000 value) are you saying he would agree to sell the shares back to the company for .0002 hence doubling his profit on the truck? Why wouldnt the vendor just sell his shares on the open market for higher gains if the company starts to produce on the ore, gas, or gtl deal?