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Re: NYBob post# 2876

Saturday, 12/13/2008 11:26:28 PM

Saturday, December 13, 2008 11:26:28 PM

Post# of 3006
US Supreme Court requested to issue an Injuction to Stay Electoral Votes -
Posted December 14th, 2008 by scottishamerican1


(Washington, DC – 12/12/08) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire,
the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama
challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to
serve as President of the United States today filed again
with the U.S. Supreme Court an Application for an
Injunction to Stay the Electoral Votes on December 15, 2008
and to prohibit Vice President Cheney, the House of
Representatives and the Senate from counting any Votes
for Obama until Obama Proves he is “Qualified” to be
This time, the Application for Injunction was addressed
to Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Earlier this week on 12/08/08, Berg filed a similar
Application with Justice Souter, as he is Justice assigned
to the 3rd Circuit. Unfortunately, on 12/09/08,
Justice Souter denied our Application.

Berg filed this while still waiting to hear if the U.S.
Supreme Court will hear the Petition for Writ of Certiorari
that he filed on October 30, 2008, requesting review of
the United States District Court, Eastern District
of Pennsylvania, Judge Surrick’s Dismissal of
Philip J. Berg’s lawsuit against Barack H. Obama, Jr.,
the DNC and the other co-Defendants regarding “standing.”

Mr. Berg remarked today, “I am appalled that the main
stream media continues to ignore this issue as we are
headed to a ‘Constitution Crisis.’
There is nothing more important than our U.S. Constitution
and it must be enforced.
I am concerned that our Courts have not yet decided to
look into the merits of our allegations.
I know that Mr. Obama is not a constitutionally qualified
‘natural-born’ citizen and therefore, is ineligible to
assume the office of President of the United States.

Obama, knows he is not ‘natural born’ as he knows where
he was born and he knows he was adopted in Indonesia;
is an attorney, Harvard Law grad who taught
Constitutional law;
knows the Obama candidacy is the biggest ‘hoax’ attempted
on the citizens of the United States in over 200 years;
places our Constitution in a ‘crisis’ situation; and Obama
is in a situation where he can be blackmailed by
leaders around the world.”

Berg concluded, “I will continue to file Court proceedings
until Obama either proves he is qualified or does the
right thing and states that he is proud that he, an
African American, received more votes than anyone else in
the Presidential election on November 4, 2008, but because
of things in his past, he must withdraw his name.


A Message to Our Electors--- "HE DOESNT HAVE THE PROOF"!!!
Posted December 13th, 2008 by Jdayh

here is the most shocking and OBVIOUS VIDEO DOCUMENTARY


---digg it... and
pass this on!!!!


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Regarding the natural-born citizen issue...
Posted December 13th, 2008 by joeneesima

Dr. Vieira is a consummate constitutional authority.
He says that if just one member of the House and one member
of the Senate were to challenge Hussein’s eligibility to
serve as President in writing when the Electoral College’s
votes arrive in the Senate, the Congress would have to
conduct a full investigation, complete with witnesses,
testimony and documents. Dr. Vieira urges you to get in
touch with your Congressmen and Senators for the purpose.

OK, one Republican, one I hear any takers?


by Alan Stang
December 12, 2008

By now you know that the Supreme Court has denied certiorari
without comment to New Jersey attorney Leo Donofrio’s
petition, a document that was simple enough for even a
Member of Congress to understand.
Donofrio’s argument did not depend on where Illegal
Alien-Elect Hussein was born.
All the evidence available so far – including the fact that
he refuses to produce a genuine Hawaiian birth certificate
and the fact that his grandmother says she was there when
he was born in Mombasa – says he is not a natural born
citizen and therefore is ineligible to be President.

But, again, Leo Donofrio’s argument did not depend on that.
On one of his own sites, Hussein says that he was a
British subject (as well as an American) when he was born,
because that is what his father was.
Remember, that is what Hussein says himself.
And a dual-citizen at birth – a citizen born with divided
loyalties – cannot be natural born.
He cannot be President.

Also, remember that Donofrio was not asking the Supreme Court
to rule that Hussein cannot be President.
His petition simply asked that, since Hussein’s eligibility
has been seriously challenged, he be required to prove it.
As many observers have noted, this should have been quite
Although everything about the man is secret –
his college records, his law school records,
his medical records, his client records and on and on
and on – had he simply produced a non-forged,
genuine birth certificate, his citizenship and
all other questions would have disappeared.

What principle has the High Court installed with this ruling?
If a candidate for the presidency no longer must prove
his eligibility under the law – the Constitution –
then certainly no one else is required to prove
his eligibility for any other government job.
To whom more is granted, more is required.
More is required of a candidate for President.
If he is not required, certainly you are not either.

Until now, you needed to validate your resume to get
a driver’s license or a library card, to qualify
for Medicare, to work in the Post Office, etc.
Now you don’t.
The liars at the law schools will say this is poppycock.
Ignore them Wait for the lawsuits.
Wait for the lawsuits from other illegal aliens like
Hussein, who maintain that they need prove nothing
because Hussein does not.

The Court once again, as it has so many times for so
many years, has spit in the face of the U.S. Constitution.
By invalidating the clear and crucial constitutional
language about presidential eligibility, it has
invalidated the Constitution itself, or at least tried to.
Before you argue that my argument is not based in law,
remember that the process I mention goes all the way back
to 1954 and Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954),
in which the Warren Court cited not law, but a book by
a foreign Communist to foment a revolution that led to riot,
murder and outrages like forced school busing.
(See my book, It’s Very Simple:
The True Story of Civil Rights.)

Indeed, the Court has spit again in your face.
Need I remind you that you are superior to the Supreme Court,
that the only power it has is power you have delegated,
power you could rescind and take back.
Need I remind you that you are superior to the President,
to the Congress, indeed, to the Constitution itself,
which you created.
And now the Low Court has spit in your face.

Here are some thoughts from the President of the United
“To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of
all constitutional questions [is] a very dangerous
doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under
the despotism of an oligarchy.
Our judges are as honest as other men and not more so.
They have with others the same passions for party,
for power, and the privilege of their corps.

“Their maxim is boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem
[good justice is broad jurisdiction], and their power
the more dangerous as they are in office for life and
not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to
the elective control.
The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal,
knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the
corruptions of time and party, its members would
become despots.
It has more wisely made all the departments co-equal
and co-sovereign within themselves.” —
Thomas Jefferson to William C. Jarvis, 1820.
ME 15:277

“This member of the Government was at first considered
as the most harmless and helpless of all its organs.
But it has proved that the power of declaring what the
law is, ad libitum, by sapping and mining slyly and
without alarm the foundations of the Constitution,
can do what open force would not dare to attempt.” —
Thomas Jefferson to Edward Livingston, 1825.
ME 16:114

In other words, the Supreme Court does not deserve
the reverence it receives.
It has no more of your delegated power than the
other branches.
It is not superior to them.
It is merely co-equal.
It is nine politicians in black robes.
Again, this comes to us from the President of the United
In the face of this usurpation, where are we headed?

Go to,
click on my archives, which are free and find my show,
The Sting of Stang, for Monday, December 08, 2008.
Go to the second hour and listen to Barbara, calling in
from Nevada.
Barbara is America talking.
Listen to the pain and outrage in her voice.
Yes, Bob Dylan, something is “blowin’ in the wind,”
but it is not what you think.

Now go to the last scene of “Tora, Tora, Tora.” Remember.
Aided everywhere by swindler, traitor, mass murderer Frank
Roosevelt, the Japanese have just successfully attacked
Pearl Harbor.
Admiral Yamamoto is strolling alone on deck, musing.
Yes, the attack was successful but Yamamoto has studied
in the United States and he wonders,
“Have we awakened a sleeping tiger?”

That is what I hear blowing in the wind.
Hussein said recently that Americans should stop their
present frenzied purchase of guns.
Hussein said they have nothing to fear because he is
a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment.
Of course his record from the beginning gives him the lie.
His appointment of Eric Holder as Attorney General
confirms that he will do everything he can to confiscate
your guns.
It is difficult to believe that any man could be as big
a liar as former President Billy Bubba Slime
(“I did not have sex with that woman”), but
Illegal-Alien Elect Hussein could surpass him.

Indeed, a bill is now circulating through state legislatures
that would require registration of all ammunition and
eventual confiscation.
The theory apparently is that if they can’t get your guns
they will neutralize them by taking the ammo.
They are trying to sneak it through into law before you
hear about it.
What do you intend to do with all those guns?
Whom would you shoot?

More cases like Leo Donofrio’s are moving through the courts.
A day or so after you read this, another will arrive at
the Supreme Court.
Hey, High Court!
This is your chance to prove me a fool.
What a delight it would be say I was wrong;
to celebrate the Supreme Court’s reaffirmation that
the Constitution is supreme.
How likely is it that the Court will show such judicial

The few media morons and conspiracy factotums who have
mentioned the issue now say the High Court ruling settles
the matter.
James Taranto at the Wall Street Journal scoffs at the issue.
Rush Humbug, Sissy Levin, Shallow Sean Hannitwit,
Loopy Laura, Hugh Blewitt & Company go out of their way
to avoid it.
Los Angeles radio faggot Al Rantel and Bull Dyke Tammy Bruce
apparently did mention it but contrary orders must have
gone down because now they tell their listeners not to.
Tammy warned that bloggers who do so would be permanently
banned from her site.

But the issue will not go away.
If the High Court fails to require Illegal-Alien
Elect Hussein to prove his eligibility, it will fester.
Innumerable ramifications will erupt during his
Suppose, in obedience to his Caucasian masters, he orders
the military to make war on Iran (without the Declaration of
War the Constitution requires, no less).
What would the military do?

Dr. Edwin Vieira has four degrees from Harvard University,
but he has overcome this handicap and can speak
intelligible English.
Among many other accomplishments, Dr. Vieira is the author
of the masterful Pieces of Eight, the definitive monetary
history of the United States, which in the present
financial debacle is more relevant than ever.
I strongly recommend you read it.

Dr. Vieira is a consummate constitutional authority.
He says that if just one member of the House and one
member of the Senate were to challenge Hussein’s
eligibility to serve as President in writing when
the Electoral College’s votes arrive in the Senate,
the Congress would have to conduct a full investigation,
complete with witnesses, testimony and documents.
Dr. Vieira urges you to get in touch with your
Congressmen and Senators for the purpose.

Remember, you are not asking them to deny the presidency
to Hussein.
You are merely asking them to require him to prove
his eligibility.
This should be very easy to do for lame ducks like
Tar Heel Elizabeth Dole, for instance, who has
nothing political to lose and therefore nothing to fear.
On her way out, lame ducks like her could have the last
laugh by performing this historic service to the Constitution.

In the middle of all this, here comes Bill Richardson.
He is presently Governor of New Mexico.
He has been ambassador to the Communist UN and
energy secretary in the Bubba Slime administration.
He served seven terms in the House of Representatives.
He is a top Democrat. He ran for President against Hussein.
Indeed, Hussein has named him his Secretary of Commerce.

And despite his name, he is a Latino.
He speaks Spanish fluently.
His credentials as a Democrud “liberal” are flawless.
Recently, Richardson gave an interview in Spanish to
French television.
In that interview, he said, “Obama es un inmigrante.”
What this mean is obvious even if you don’t know any Spanish.
Here is the translation of Richardson’s remarks on
the French videotape:

“Barack Obama is the best candidate for the Hispanic
community because our community wants a united country.
Obama is an immigrant.
When he speaks to Latinos, he doesn’t just speak
about immigration and civil rights. . . .”
Remember, this is not a criticism of Hussein, not an attack.
Top Democrud Richardson means this as a high compliment.
So his comment is what the lawyers call an “admission
against interest.”

And he says Illegal-Alien Elect Hussein is an “immigrant.”
That means he is not a “natural born citizen.”
Which in turn means he is ineligible to be President.
Here is the link to the interview.
Go there and listen a few times:
Then pass our slogan along.

Repatriation – Not Inauguration.

[Announcement: Alan Stang's radio show,
The Sting of Stang,
airs from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Central, M-F, via Republic
Broadcasting Network.
Call him on the air at (800) 3.... To listen, go to
and click on Listen Live.
If you can't listen at that time, do so via the archives,
which are free.
I'll be talking about the various manifestations of
the conspiracy for world government, its tactics,
such as the illegal alien invasion, its purposes and
its players,
from Jorge W. Boosh on down.]

WTP Press Conference on Obama Eligibility -
Posted December 11th, 2008 by joeu

WTP Obama Citizenship Challenge - National Press Club, DC Dec. 8 2008 - 2:37:49 - Dec 10, 2008

WTP Foundation -

We The People Foundation's Obama citizenship Press Conference
at the National Press Club on Dec. 8, 2008.
Speakers included WTP Chairman Bo...all »
We The People Foundation's Obama citizenship Press Conference
at the National Press Club on Dec. 8, 2008.
Speakers included WTP Chairman Bob Schulz and attorneys
w/ cases pending at the U.S. Supreme Court challenging
Barack's Obama citizenship status as a "natural born citizen"
as is required by Article II of the Constitution.
See the evidence and read the legal pleadings at

WTP Foundation is a not for profit 501(c)3
educational foundation.
All donations to the tax-exempt WTP Foundation are
fully deductible.«

Obama 'Native Born Citizen' Suit Update -
Posted December 9th, 2008 by joeu

PRESS RELEASE: 12.08.08 7:20 pm

Cort Wrotnowski’s emergency application for a stay and/or
injunction as to the Electoral College meeting on
Dec. 15 was today referred to the full Court by
the Honorable Associate Justice Anotonin Scalia.
It has been distributed for Conference of
Friday December 12.

The official case name is WROTNOWSKI v. BYSIEWICZ,
United States Supreme Court Docket No. 08A469.
The Wrotnowski Supreme Court application was prepared by
Leo Donofrio, Esq. and is centered on the same issue from
Donofrio’s case which was discussed by the Supreme Court
in its conference of December 5 - whether Barack Obama is not
eligible to the
office of President due to the fact that he was a British
citizen at the time of his birth
Dec. 9 - Cort Wrotnowski will submit a supplemental
brief concerning the newly discovered ineligibility of
twenty-first President Chester Arthur due to his having been
born as a British subject.
This is relevant to the case at
hand in that Justice Gray - who wrote the seminal opinion in
United States v. Wong Kim Arc - was appointed by Chester
The Wong Kim Arc case involves an important historical
opinion that SCOTUS justices will certainly consider as to
the Obama natural born citizen issue.

The recent discovery calls into question the motivations of both Arthur and Gray since Arthur’s father was a British subject not naturalized at the time of Chester’s birth.
In fact, William Arthur was not naturalized until 1843, fourteen years after Chester was born.
In the light of historical retrospection, Justice
Gray’s decision in Wong Kim Arc seems tailor made to the circumstances of Arthur’s birth.

Chester Arthur was born in 1829.
The 14th Amendment wasn’t ratified until 1868, and Wong Kim Arc was decided in 1898. But under United States law in 1829 it’s not clear that Arthur would have even been considered a United States citizen at the time of
his birth, let alone a “natural born citizen” eligible to be President.
At best, he would have been a dual citizen of Great Britain and the United States.
It was proved earlier this week, by various articles in the Brooklyn Eagle printed circa 1880, and other authorities, that when Arthur was on the campaign trail as Garfield’s running mate he lied many times about his father’s emigration
record, his parents’ life in Canada before coming to the United States, and his father’s age.
Chester also burned his papers and falsified his birth year.
It appears now that he was doing so to conceal the POTUS eligibility issue.

Every other President (who didn’t become eligible under the
Article 2, Section 1 grandfather clause) was born to American
citizen parents in the United States.
The fact that he was a British subject at birth was first
reported on Friday Dec. 5.
It must now be questioned whether the relationship between
Chester Arthur and Justice Gray was influenced by Arthur’s
eligibility problems and whether those issues effected
Gray’s opinion and vote in Wong Kim Arc.
It must also be considered that the integrity of Justice
Gray’s SCOTUS appointment might have been called into
question if Chester Arthur’s POTUS ineligibility issues
had become known.

All of the above is relevant to the issue of whether Barack
Obama is a natural born citizen in that the core Supreme
Court opinion in Wong Kim Arc must now be re-evaluated in
lieu of the fact that the Justice who wrote the opinion was
appointed by Chester Arthur.

Leo Donofrio will accompany Cort Wrotnowski to Washington D.C.
tomorrow and both will be available for comment at 11:00 AM
on the steps of the Supreme Court.
This is not a rally,
protest or vigil.
If the media would like to discuss this historical brief
and the issues discussed above, Donofrio and Wrotnowski
will be available to answer any questions thereto.
Leo C. Donofrio, Esq.
Cort Wrotnowski


Obama, the greatest con man in history, at least we knew huh ? -
Posted December 9th, 2008 by sentinel

The Election of the Greatest Con-Man in Recent History -
James Petras
Information Clearing House
December 9, 2008

Cort Wrotnowski's of CT case at SCOTUS has now been
distributed and referred to the 9 justices for conference. See the docket entry today.

A link to the site:

God Bless

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