".Don't you all get tired of the same posts over and over..."
Yes, it gets very old seeing people post that Aero is selling product like "water" when in each filing that statement holds no "water", It gets very old seeing folks say "wait for Clarity" only to see clearly in the filings that the company is struggling worse and worse as time goes bye, it gets very old to see folks telling others to "make phone calls" as if their is something good on the horizon or that "Pallets" are being unloaded by the truck load, only to see the company struggled once again and sales were pathetic and did not match up with the PR's Produced by the company.
And last but not least, it got very old to hear people explain away the non-filing of an 8K on the Richards Loan which ties up all of Aeros assets and it even got older when some folks pretty much GUARANTEED it would be in the Next filing indicating that "phone Calls" were the source of that information, the Filing has come and gone and not a peep about that Material Event?
So you now have SEC Rules Violations, Defaulted Loans, Poor Sales,a Gagged Transfer Agent and a PPS that continues to tank with not one single share traded today.
So does it get old when people say "wait for Clarity"? You bet! Very old.