We're still hoping to see $0.02 , before the 10-Q .
But , it will probably require ~1 Million shares
per day in volume. That's $15,000+ per day of buyers ,
who are expecting a good 10-Q. With all the recent
good news , why don't the old fans buy much faster ?
While new buyers must be waiting for the 10-Q , ~next week.
The key will be revenues. If they are down , and expenses
are up [as usual, especially from the new copi exec hires] ,
watch out below. Those new copi salesmen have a tough job.
They must double copi's 'paid call counts' , every ~18 months,
just to keep up with the continuous price cuts , due to
lower cost new competitors , with newer 'tech' , and lower
expenses. [According to Moore's Law , which directly applies
to Totally Computerized Services , for the last 40 years.]
That's also why the cost of long-distance phone calls has
been constantly dropping , for the last 40 years. We now pay
just 3.5 cents per minute , anywhere in the 50 states , and
at any time of any day , with No Monthly Minimum or 'Plan'.
It's All Computer-Automated , just like copi's 1 product ,
and its dozens of lower-cost competitors.
extra , Sincerely .
P.S. ; If copi keeps losing money , how can they keep
covering their losses? They already used up their last
super-sub-prime , 30+% Interest , short-term loan. And ,
copi even has to repay that loan next year. And, the
copi Insider execs had to pledge All of their Preferreds
as Collateral , just to barely get that loan.
We really think that the VeriSign squeeze is on. And, the
copi 'buyout' price is dropping fast. At this point , we
don't think that the Insider Preferreds will even get their
original investment back , with zero Interest. But, they
own 80++% of All of copi's 'votes + assets' ; So , if they
'vote' to sell-out copi , and don't get at least 100% of
their Preferred investment back ; then , All common copi
shares must share $zero ; since commons get $zero , unless
Preferreds get at least 100% , First. That's why they call
them 'Preferred' .
Averaging-down is profitable, for shorters, only.