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Alias Born 04/12/2007

Re: Jitz post# 932

Thursday, 10/23/2008 3:23:13 PM

Thursday, October 23, 2008 3:23:13 PM

Post# of 956
Montgomery LP = Pudge Properties and Today Realty Advisors.

Westlin Corp. never owned it as far as I know. According to Westlin PRs they were in the process of buying it several times though...

Regarding the comment of keeping the shareholders intact in December, to me it confirms that David Herr from Texas TX was still trying at that time and his non-presidency was indeed back dating. Not that I don't understand his embarrasment, I do. But, if he's trying to avoid responsibility for today, like posting on messageboards he leaves big dumb clues that give him away. Plus how could this look better? He walked away from the company a year ago but never told anyone? Even today we had to read it in his profile on another website, and use guessing to fill in the blanks.

I highly doubt that he is being told not to respond to you. Wouldn't someone else from the company respond in that case? Even to say that they cannot comment? It sounds like cowering to me.

I have an idea that may shed light on things. Why not call Pudge Properties and ask if Westlin has ANYTHING to do with the property. Then ask if David Herr from Texas TX has personally taken over what Westlin once did. That's just a hunch on my part based on what little clues there are available. Of course, that's why I'm asking if someone can confirm it.
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