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Alias Born 06/17/2008

Re: bundleofsharess post# 26419

Tuesday, 10/07/2008 4:00:40 PM

Tuesday, October 07, 2008 4:00:40 PM

Post# of 42870
Someone snached another 10mil off the ask! But hey! I don´t understand you guys! Grab a plane from Miami $700 and go look for yourselves! Geeeeeezzzzz! A lot people who don´t post on this board have done it (including myself)! Real company that does progress! Now obviously not like most of us would like of course! But if this would be a scam they could go out there and say there are zillion ouces of gold and this and that and they are producing like hell! Would that work? Yes it would for the PPS and then one day its dead like more than a dozen stinky pinkies I´ve seen around!