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Alias Born 02/24/2008

Re: Greengo post# 212

Wednesday, 10/01/2008 12:49:13 PM

Wednesday, October 01, 2008 12:49:13 PM

Post# of 41931

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008

Dear Energy and Capital Reader,

Oil execs across the globe are coming clean. And their confessions are worth billions to investors like you and me.

For the past few years, Big Oil has been pouring investment dollars into clean and alternative energy investments... because they know the days of peddling black gold are numbered.

Oil companies know, better than anyone, that the end of the oil age is upon us. And those companies that don't prepare now will soon be worth about as much as typewriter ribbon manufacturers.

Each of the oil majors has serious initiatives that run the gamut from solar to wind to biofuels.

The point is, Big Oil isn't against renewable energy... they're one of its biggest supporters.

But in this race to find green energy solutions, none of the Big Oil companies will be the winner. They're simply too late to the game.

Instead, it'll be the hundreds of established alternative energy companies that come out ahead. The ones that already have the "early mover" advantage.

As Big Oil rushes to get into alternative energy for the lucrative profits it offers, you should be doing the same. And I'll guide you every step of the way.

In fact, I've prepared a full report on the matter that includes all the details you need to start earning massive energy profits under my direct supervision.

Call it like you see it,


Dear Reader,

It's finally happening...

Oil execs across the globe are coming clean. And their confessions are worth billions to investors like you and me.

You see, on April 1st 2007, top executives from the five biggest U.S. oil companies were called to Washington in a meeting to discuss rising energy prices, and - more importantly - their role in it.

But while the politicians were busy saving face and scoring votes by lecturing Big Oil's top brass, savvy energy investors were loading up in the alternative energy sector.


Because in their effort to placate those Washington bureaucrats, they let the cat out of the bag...

Big Oil Has Gone Green!

To be honest, it was never really much of a secret.

The truth is, Big Oil's been on the green bandwagon for almost a decade now... quietly funneling billions of dollars into the alternative energy sector.

Sure, they're still peddling black gold. After all, that's their (and our) life's blood.

But they know, better than anyone, that the end of the oil age is upon us. And those companies that don't prepare now will soon be worth about as much as typewriter ribbon manufacturers.

Don't believe it?

Well, Big Oil does.

Take a look...

Incidentally, Shell is also a major wind developer. The company participates in wind projects with a capacity of over 1,100 MW - or enough to power more than a half-million homes.

The "Rockefeller Shareholder Stipulation"
Old Money's Going the Way of New Energy
Earlier this year, the Rockefeller family, which still holds tremendously large positions in Exxon stock, put forward an alarming shareholder resolution...

... One that would require an independent chairman oversee Exxon's operations, so that the company could "better maximize long-term shareholder value in a rapidly changing energy environment."

The Rockefellers, no strangers to money, are demanding Exxon's future include a stake in renewable energy. But it's BP that may have the most comprehensive alternative energy strategy of them all.

Here's how they see the future of energy...

BP plans to invest about $8 billion over 10 years in alternative energy technologies.

The company's alternative energy priorities for 2010 include:

A 3 GW wind power capacity (enough to power over 2 million homes)
About 800 MW of solar capacity (enough to power half a million homes)
The development of new biofuel projects across the globe
Point is, Big Oil isn't anti-alternative energy.

Big Oil is an active participant!

After all, what else could you expect when there's as much as...

$20 Trillion Up For Grabs

You read that right - $20 Trillion!

Here's the situation...

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA)...

The world's primary energy needs are projected to grow by 55% between 2005 and 2030.
Chinese and Indian crude oil imports will almost quadruple by 2030, creating a supply crunch no later than 2015.
Coal demand will rise by 73% between 2005 and 2030.
Because of this unprecedented demand for energy, the IEA found that $20 trillion of investment in supply infrastructure is needed to meet projected global energy demand.

And where will a big chunk of this money go?

The same place it's been going for the past few years - alternative energy.

In fact, from 2006 to 2007 alone, new investment in alternative energy soared a full 60%... to $148.4 billion.

And what about the investment growth rate for exploration and development in oil and gas?

Nothing. Zilch.

Not even a 1% increase.

So, if the world is so desperate for more energy (especially oil... with Chinese and Indian imports expected to quadruple by 2030), why was so much poured into alternatives, and so little poured into oil and gas?


Because the smart money always piles into a sure thing. And no matter how you slice it, the basic fundamentals of supply and demand favor the long-term success of alternative energy.

That's why Big Oil, the big institutional investors, and all those hot shot venture capital firms are injecting hundreds of billions of dollars into the alternative energy sector.

And if you don't believe it, take a look at these findings from a 2008 UN report on global trends in alternative energy investment.

In 2007...

Early-stage venture capital investment surged 112% to $2 billion.
Research and Development spending on clean energy and energy efficiency was $16.9 billion.
Alternative energy companies more than doubled the amount of money they raised on the world's public markets in 2007, raising $27 billion.
Financing of sustainable energy assets grew by 61% to $108 billion.
$30 billion was under management in core clean energy funds.
Even developing countries are shifting investment priorities.

New clean energy investment in China, India, and Brazil grew from $1.8 billion in 2004 to $26 billion in 2007.

That's a growth rate of more than 1,300% in only 3 years... at the same time spending remains flat for oil and gas exploration and development.

Of course, the total investment that'll be plowed into alternative energy by 2030 won't even come close to the $20 trillion the IEA expects we'll need.

Truth is, most analysts believe alternative energy will only cover about 5% of that total investment.

But that still comes in at $1 trillion.

My friend, based on where we are today - that's a potential growth of 573%.

That means alternative energy investors like, BP, Shell, Chevron - and you and me - are looking at a...

30.6% Annual Growth Rate...
For The Next 22 Years!!!

I don't know of many sectors that can boast such an impressive growth rate.

And I know of even fewer that can boast the kinds of returns the alternative energy sector has delivered for investors over the past few years.

Even in today's market - which is more volatile than anything we've seen in nearly 80 years - those who are properly positioned to take advantage of the coming energy crisis will continue to make a fortune in alternative energy.

And I want to prove it to you...

My name is Nick Hodge, and I'm the managing editor of the Alternative Energy Speculator.
In 2008, during one of the absolute worst markets in recorded history - I helped investors avoid the pitfalls of a full-blown market meltdown, while successfully leading them to double- and triple-digit gains in the alternative energy sector.

From a 121% gain on a Canadian marine energy play to a 262% gain on a tiny thin-film solar company (a recommendation that few on Wall Street even knew existed) - Alternative Energy Speculators were cashing in while the Dow nosedived into oblivion... and Wall Street ran for cover.

In fact, we've been so successful that I decided to write a special report which explains specifically how you can get a piece of this action, too.

And I'd like you to have it, absolutely free.

In this report, I spell out specifically...

How to identify which solar stocks will deliver the biggest (and fastest) gains - with or without government subsidies.
Which transitional alternative transportation fuels are going to come online first - and the top two stocks that could produce gains in excess of 62% - within the next 3 months.
How to play the only marine energy stock that could potentially be a triple-bagger in less than 1 year.
Where to find the two most undervalued geothermal stocks in the market. Both already have power purchase agreements under development with the major utilities, and both are sitting on two of the largest geothermal reserves in the U.S.
How one alternative power technology company could enable solar and wind to become uninterruptible power suppliers. This is a major game-changer, and could send this stock soaring by more than 312% by this time next year.
By the way, that last company I just told you about (and one you'll read about in your free report) has been working with Chevron since 2005!

Like I said earlier, Big Oil's all over this.

And so are we!

That's why we started the Alternative Energy Speculator in the first place...

To capitalize on the global transition to alternative energy.

Because the fact is, this transition IS going to happen. In fact, it's already started - and we're profiting every step of the way.

Take a look at the kinds of gains we've captured in 2008...

Arise Technologies (TSX:APV) - 262%
Solarfun Power Holdilngs (NASDAQ:SOLF) - 182%
Emcore Corporation (NASDAQ: EMKR) - 156%
Xantrex Technologies (TSX:XTX) - 25%
Sierra Geothermal (TSX-V:SRA) - 90%
And there's plenty more to come, too.

In fact, at this very moment, we have 12 new stocks in our queue.

That means, at any moment, we're going to issue as many as 12 new recommendations.

Moreover, we're booked solid until Fall 2009 - traveling across the globe, checking out the latest in alternative energy start-ups and technologies.

After all, in order to deliver the kinds of gains we've been producing all year - you can't sit behind a computer all day. You can bet Big Oil certainly isn't.

Believe me, during my travels, it's rare that I don't run into some of those Big Oil reps at conferences, facility tours or research junkets.

It's getting to the point where we're actually tipping off our readers on companies that we know Big Oil's taking a stake in.

Bottom line: Whether it's the big market movers or individual investors like you - you will find no greater profit potential than in the alternative energy sector.

And that's why I want to send you my free report, "Alternative Energy: $1 Trillion for the Taking," right away.

With this report as your guide, you'll have the opportunity to join us as we continue to exploit every opportunity afforded to us by the coming energy crisis - and the full-scale integration of alternative energy.

I'll even give you the names of my 22 favorite alternative energy stocks, and explain why these stocks MUST be a part of your overall portfolio.

Just accept this risk-free charter membership to the Alternative Energy Speculator, and you'll instantly have access to this free report...

You'll also receive a username and password for the Alternative Energy Speculator web site - where you can view past issues, keep track of the stocks in the portfolio, and read all of our other reports... including the ones on those solar and geothermal stocks I mentioned earlier.

In addition, every week you'll receive detailed updates on the companies in the Alternative Energy Speculator's portfolio. You'll learn how they're doing, the latest in their research, and any breakthroughs that come through in the sector.

Plus, the second we decide to add or sell a company, I'll contact you - instantly.

You'll know at what price to get in, how much you should expect to make and, most importantly, when to sell.

These instant alerts are simply too important for the weekly issue.

And that's not all!

We know there's more to "easy" money in the world than strictly energy. In fact, while people think that oil's the most important resource that makes the world go round, it can't touch my other area of expertise...

The #1 resource you absolutely can't live without... water.

It might sound strange to some, but fresh water is in seriously scarce supply in many parts of the world. Take a look at some of the water research unveiled in my report:

Only 2% of the world's water is freshwater
By 2025, nearly two-thirds of the world's population will be water stressed
450 million people in 29 countries currently face severe water shortages
And, right now, out of the hundreds of water companies out there, I have located the five best on the planet. Each one services, and profits, from a different angle of the water industry - and they're doing this in countries all over the globe.

You can read all about these companies and start collecting MASSIVE dividends today with your second bonus report, Water: Profiting from the Disappearance of the World's Most Valuable Resource!

The Cost for All This?

Here's the deal. Considering all the time that goes into uncovering these little-known, but highly profitable energy plays found in the Alternative Energy Speculator and the substantially larger gains involved, we had no choice but to make it somewhat pricier than our flagship Green Chip Stocks service.

In other words, we had to cover our own cost of unearthing these gems. Since we do a great deal of travel, meet with CEOs, and inspect many of the companies with our own eyes, it tends to get pricey... especially when you consider how many opportunities we turn down before we actually find one worth getting excited about.

That's why the normal membership fee to the Alternative Energy Speculator is $495 a year.

But listen. Because this is our introductory offer, I'm offering a one-shot deal:

Pick up the Alternative Energy Speculator, including your Bonus Report, Alternative Energy: 1 Trillion for the Taking, and the second water report, Water: Profiting from the Disappearance of the World's Most Valuable Resource, for only $199 a year!

That's a full 70% savings off the regular annual price - and you still get both reports, weekly emails, urgent buy and sell updates, and full access to the Alternative Energy Speculator web site!

And there's more.

I'll even throw in a copy of my soon-to-be-released book: Investing in Renewable Energy, which I co-authored with Jeff Siegel and Chris Nelder.

So here's what you get: membership in the Alternative Energy Speculator, two in-depth reports, my weekly updates and recommendations, and a FREE copy of my new book...

All for just $199 a year if you accept this offer today!

And here's my promise to you:

I will give you 30 days to examine our top-notch research and investment philosophy. If you decide that the Alternative Energy Speculator is not for you at any time during this trial period, simply let me know in the first 30 days, and I'll completely reimburse you every penny. That's right - every penny.

You can even keep the book. It's my gift to you.

So if you're ready to join the elite group of alternative energy insiders, let's get to work. Just click the subscribe button below.


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Energy and Capital, Copyright © 2008, Angel Publishing LLC, P.O. Box 84905, Phoenix, AZ 85071. All rights reserved. No statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities or financial instruments mentioned. While we believe the sources of information to be reliable, we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy of the statements made herein. Energy and Capital does not provide individual investment counseling, act as an investment advisor, or individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment. The publisher, editors and consultants of Angel Publishing may actively trade in the investments discussed in this newsletter. They may have substantial positions in the securities recommended and may increase or decrease such positions without notice. Neither the publisher nor the editors are registered investment advisors. Subscribers should not view this publication as offering personalized legal or investment counseling. Investments recommended in this publication should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company in question. Unauthorized reproduction of this newsletter or its contents by Xerography, facsimile, or any other means is illegal and punishable by law.

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