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Alias Born 07/14/2008

Re: balamidas post# 3337

Monday, 09/08/2008 1:01:40 AM

Monday, September 08, 2008 1:01:40 AM

Post# of 52002
METALS BULL RISES AGAIN - Yes you are quite right - This week starts the metals boom again - the summer lull is over and ALL of the big Oil $$$$ has already shifted their money (fiat trash) into "real assests" Gold & Silver - did anyone happen to NOTICE the really low prices esp. silver in the last week? Yeah... that's right - and with the devalued US dollar UAE & China players have been dropping major funds 24 hrs a day into the metals. Anyone who has done their research knows their are shortages on above ground supply and Ohhh we had a price drop so the mines reduced output - henceforth a coming MASSIVE price spike on deliveries and shortages.

SNRS plays into this perfect. The Players have been holding the cards tight - once the Bulls rises from it's short nap and recovers from the sharp correction (which happens usually after extended long runs) the PR machine comes out of nowhere.. Deals are closed.... movement towards prod. etc etc. Amount of tonnes... = massive pps increase. Although this is a lotto play it's worth myself holding 50 Mil shares.

Plus an important note: China has an incredible demand for metals as they are in the midst of their Industrial Revolution and as we know with ours it takes a MASSIVE amount of metals to fuel that economic beast. We haven't even begun to see "real based on demand" insane metals prices.

footnote: google Ted Butler read his articles - get the 411