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Alias Born 07/20/2007

Re: matt24d post# 11108

Monday, 09/01/2008 7:05:50 PM

Monday, September 01, 2008 7:05:50 PM

Post# of 16585
Hanna is projected to go up the entire eastern coast of FL...
IPII supply stores are concentrated in Flordia as your link shows....

Here is primarliy what they provide ---

"Just-Rite Supply, Inc., a subsidiary of Imperial Industries, Inc. established in January 2000 as a separate business unit to own and operate the Company's existing distribution facilities and to acquire other building material distributors. As a result of the acquisitions subsequent to January 1, 2000, the Company now distributes gypsum, roofing, masonry, millwork, insulation and other building products, as well as those products manufactured by the Company.

Products are sold and distributed throughout the Southeastern United States and the Caribbean Islands"
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