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Alias Born 03/04/2008

Re: None

Monday, 08/11/2008 11:17:42 AM

Monday, August 11, 2008 11:17:42 AM

Post# of 497
All you negative posters gonna find out today. Welcome to the credibility check for SCU. It reports today. I say the report will be welcomed by traders and Investors alike and SCU will trade UP on the news tomorrow. I say guidance will tell us we will be showing a Profit from continuing operation next quarter, possibly even this quarter. When she pops this stock will add an extra digit to my net worth, I'm counting on it.

It is quite possible this is the last day SCU trades below $1.00

Mark it

Help!I am being held in cyber-prison with no explanation. It's dark and the walls are cold. If you find this note call Underdog!

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