To all longs, let Metter know how much you appreciate the job he's been doing the last few months and maybe even suggest a dividend to mess up shorts' lives. Here's what I wrote a few minutes ago having now listened to Crowley show:
Mr. Metter,
I heard your interview again on the Crowley show and wanted to tell you personally that you have a lot of supporters/shareholders out here. I frequent many message boards and can't say the last time I've read so many positive comments (for months now) about your handling of the company and the shareholders, a difficult equilibrium to maintain, indeed.
For the first time, I sensed some frustration in your voice over the short selling manipulation that goes on. Actually, it's probably more of a naked short selling problem. My suggestion, if you really want to fight back this activity (in the short term) is to declare a small dividend ($.005 is probably good, but cost about $2M with the new A/S share count) perhaps with the 10K announcement in a few weeks. This may or may not be practical or realistic, given your growth plans, but it would surely force the naked shorts (and many other shorts) to cover. A dividend forces an accounting of all shares. Naked shorters would have to cover. Regular shorters could either cover or eat the dividend cost.
You can also fight the shorts in the longer term by simply continuing to deliver results. They have an upstream battle ahead of them. It won't be long before you'll be eligible for OTCBB, then the NASDAQ.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know how much we all (shareholders) appreciate the job you're doing. Keep the PRs coming and best of luck to you.
Oh and I'm a shareholder and user of your car sponge, too.
In the absence of that which is not, that which is, is not.