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Monday, May 10, 2004 9:57:21 AM

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NanoScience and NanoBusiness News from NanoApex

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NanoApex Career Center
We're happy to announce the launch this week of the NanoApex Career Center. Our global, interdisciplinary Career Center focuses on jobs at the intersection of nanotechnology, biotechnology, and information technology. Here job seekers can find cutting-edge nanoscience positions at top companies, universities, and national organizations and employers have the opportunity to reach highly qualified candidates through job postings, resume search, and other advertising opportunities. Visit the Career Center today!! Contact for more information.

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NanoApex Corp. Announces Two New Versions of Nanocompany Database
NanoInvestorNews (, the investment portal hosted by NanoApex Corp. ( [profile], today announced the release of two downloadable versions of the popular NanoInvestorNews Nanocompany Database (NCD). The database is the largest global publicly accessible database of MEMS and nanotech companies; There are currently 808 distinct listings from all over the world with daily updates. All listings are moderated to ensure that only nanocompanies and not companies abusing the nano- prefix are included.


What's nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology is the study and building of things that are very, very small. People, including chemists, biologists, physicists and engineers are studying things that are so tiny you need special types of microscopes to see them.

Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). This RFA is developed as an NIH roadmap initiative ( All NIH Institutes and Centers participate in roadmap initiatives. The RFA will be administered by the National Eye Institute (NEI) on behalf of the NIH.

Nanotech plan afoot
E.GREENBUSH--A 150-acre parcel bordering Mill Creek is one of three sites being considered by the county for the creation of Nytek, a center to commercialize nanotechnology and biotechnology research. Nytek Project Manager Tom Triscari, a professor at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's [profile] Lally School of Management and Technology, said the center could be "the next wave of perhaps another industry; another revolution."

Nobel Laureate and a 'Founding Father' of Nanotechnology to Speak at Sigma-Aldrich
ST. LOUIS, May 6 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- One of Rice University's most distinguished and well-respected faculty members, Professor Robert F. Curl, Jr., will be speaking at Sigma-Aldrich (Nasdaq: SIAL - News) May 14 on "The Discovery of Fullerenes and Emerging Nanotechnology in Medicine." Professor Curl is best known for his co-discovery of fullerenes, which won him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1996. The discovery of fullerenes -- a third form of carbon, in addition to graphite and diamonds -- paved the way for the emergence of nanotechnology, one of the fastest growing industries today. Sigma-Aldrich is a St. Louis-based, global leader in Life Science and High Technology.

Nanotechnology becomes increasingly important in engineering
Matter matters to Michael Kaufman. In classrooms and labs, the University of North Texas [profile] educator encourages students to poke, prod and ponder the raw materials that feed technological enterprise. "We're growing quite rapidly these days - not only because of our new location, but the support that's now rolling in," said Kaufman, chairman of the university's Department of Materials Science.

Nanotech: Beyond the Hype -- and Fear
Kristen Kulinowski's job at the Center for Biological & Environmental Nanotechnology at Rice University [profile] is "to draw attention to proactive, responsible development". In recent years, an eclectic band of scientists has mapped out a new frontier known broadly as nanotechnology. Though they're from different traditions and methods, these explorers, who include biologists, chemists, physicists, chipmakers, and computational experts, have tackled the same basic question: how to control the building blocks of matter from the bottom up.

Liver cancer treatment ready for trials
SINGAPORE researchers have developed a magic bullet that could save liver cancer patients who now face almost certain death in a year. Trials on mice and pigs have been extremely successful, said Dr Pierce Chow, director of experimental surgery at Singapore General Hospital. He is ready to try it on people and is looking for eight to 10 patients for whom surgery is not possible. Treatment involves product from pSivida [profile]

Memory stores three bits in one
A method for making memory from tiny wires promises to cram more than 10 DVD's-worth of data into a square centimeter by using small memory cells that hold three bits rather than one each. The memory cell is a nanowire transistor with a twist -- it is coated with an organic compound that undergoes a chemical reaction whenever voltage is applied. The reaction gives the transistor eight levels rather than the usual on and off. Research at University of Southern California [profile] and NASA [profile].

Nano-scale trees created at Lund Institute of Technology
For the last few years scientists at the Nanometer Consortium at Lund University [profile] have been able to make nanowires, tiny wires just a few millionths of a millimeter "thick" and made of semiconducting material of great potential in the electronics industry. Now they have managed to produce "nanotrees," in fact tiny forests on the same scale. This is described in an article ("Synthesis of branched 'nanotrees' by controlled seeding of multiple branching events") in the journal Nature Materials, whose Web edition was published on 02 May. The paper edition should be published in June.

National Academies Call for Applications for Nanotechnology Conference
WASHINGTON – On April 5 the National Academies Keck Futures Initiative will begin accepting applications from active researchers for the Designing Nanostructures at the Interface Between Biomedical and Physical Systems conference which will be held from Nov. 19 to 21, 2004, in Irvine, Calif. Applications are due May 14, 2004, and can be completed online at Invitations to attend the conference will be sent by late June. The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative will pay all travel expenses, including lodging and meals, for invited attendees. Conference participants will discuss the emerging science of nanotechnology, which investigates how to build matter on a very small scale by manipulating individual molecules or atoms that are 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair.

DNA robot takes its first steps
A MICROSCOPIC biped with legs just 10 nanometres long and fashioned from fragments of DNA has taken its first steps. The nanowalker is being hailed as a major breakthrough by nanotechnologists. The biped's inventors, chemists Nadrian Seeman and William Sherman of New York University [profile], say that while many scientists have been trying to build nanoscale devices capable of bipedal motion, theirs is the first to succeed. "It's an advance on everything that has gone before," says Bernard Yurke of Bell Labs in New Jersey, part of the team that made one of the best-known molecular machines to date: a pair of "tweezers" also constructed from DNA strands (New Scientist, 12 August 2000, p 23).

Playing snooker with atoms
Prof Richard Palmer has already created a "nano man" and a "nano lighthouse" out of individual atoms 10,000 times smaller than the width of a single human hair. Now his groundbreaking work at Birmingham University's [profile] Nanoscale Physics Research Laboratory has been boosted with the opening of a new £2.5 million unit to look at the greater manipulation of atoms.

Columbia Hosts 'Nano-Day in New York'
About 500 New York City high school students bucked the trend on one of the first beautiful Saturdays of spring: instead of spending time outdoors, they participated in a daylong symposium on the frontiers of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Chemist's technique enables creation of novel carbon nanoparticles
Wolley technique 'linchpin' to success
May 4, 2004 — Using a technique pioneered by Washington University in St. Louis [profile] chemist Karen Wooley, Ph.D., scientists have developed a novel way to make discrete carbon nanoparticles for electrical components used in industry and research. The method uses polyacrylonitrile (PAN) as a nanoparticle precursor and is relatively low cost, simple and potentially scalable to commercial production levels. It provides significant advantages over existing technologies to make well-defined nanostructured carbons. Using the method, PAN copolymers serving as carbon precursors can be deposited as thin films on surfaces (for example, silicon wafers), where they can be patterned and further processed using techniques currently employed to fabricate microelectronic devices. Such a seamless manufacturing process is important to generate integrated devices and would be difficult to achieve with other methods currently used to synthesize nanostructured carbons, said Tomasz Kowalewski, Ph.D., assistant professor of chemistry at the Mellon College of Science and principal investigator on this research.

Two Livermore scientists earn Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers
WASHINGTON D.C. -- Edmond Chow and Christine Orme today will be honored with the 2002 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) as science's foundation for the future. The two Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory [profile] researchers, who were nominated by the Department of Energy's Office of Science for outstanding work they have achieved early in their careers and their potential for future leadership, will be presented with their awards from the President's Science Adviser John H. Marburger III in a White House ceremony. They will also be honored by Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham in a special ceremony at DOE headquarters.

UO patent opens way for green nano
Diborane and benzene can be replaced with safer, faster, cheaper non-toxic process A patent issued today (Tuesday, May 4) to the University of Oregon [profile] provides an environmentally benign solution to an important challenge in nanotechnology. A process developed by chemistry professor Jim Hutchison eliminates the need to use two highly toxic chemicals in the production of functionalized gold nanoparticles. His innovation is part of the university's effort to develop safer manufacturing processes for nanoscale materials, those measuring less than 100 billionths of a meter.
pSiMedica Extends Ownership of pSiOncology
Global nanotechnology company pSivida Limited [profile], is pleased to announce that its UK operating subsidiary pSiMedica has positioned itself to move to 100% ownership of Singapore based pSiOncology Pte Ltd. pSiMedica currently owns 90% of pSiOncology with the remaining 10% held by Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and Singapore based Biotech Research Ventures Pte Ltd (BRV).

Korea to Develop Next-Generation Display
South Korean and Japanese companies are competing to take the lead in the next-generation technology of field emission display (FED). Industry sources on Sunday said Samsung SDI has almost completed developing FED for digital TVs with screens measuring 30 inches across diagonally based on its expertise in the carbon nano-tube technology.

Nanotech uses seem promising
Mundane products benefit now; bigger applications down the road. Nanotechnology is the latest ``greatest technology revolution' ever. To skeptics, such hyperbole is a sure sign that the science of manipulating individual molecules will ultimately fail to meet expectations, as happened with industrial ceramics, superconductors and other scientific innovations.

Nano's Great Leap
Individual stocks (and even stock funds) may have little more connection to the nanotechnology revolution than the letters n-a-n-o in their names. Even companies that have made legitimate technological breakthroughs may not have any products to sell for years, or profits for years beyond that. The trick is to find companies that have products today, and preferably profits with the potential to grow further with the industry.

The transition from technical contributor to technical manager is a difficult one. In nanotechnology companies around the world, scientists or engineers are often given the responsibility for people and projects without a second thought. Some of them make the transition. A lot more don’t.

InfoComm Merges with 3i4 Media to Establish the First Global Strategic
Telecommunications, Mobile and Wireless Communications Experts Provide Leadership and Guidance to Shape the Future of Nanotechnology Communications
TORONTO May 7, 2004 – InfoComm Canada Inc. (InfoComm) of Toronto, Ontario, announces its strategic merger with 3i4 Media of Toronto, Ontario, creating the first global strategic advisory firm to focus on the converging nanotechnology and communications frontier – nanomobility. With the merger, the new company, known as InfoComm, will deliver a series of strategic services including market research, counselling and community networks focused on bridging the gap between the communications industry and the worlds of nanotechnology.

Germany to create more apprenticeships in nanotechnology and biotechnology
German Minister for Education and Research, Edelgard Bulmahn, has launched her country's 'apprenticeship offensive 2004', saying that she sees particular potential for apprenticeships in the growth areas of microsystems technology, nanotechnology and biotechnology.

Consortium to push biotech, nanotech collaboration
Joint Venture: Silicon Valley announced Thursday it had formed a consortium of business, government and educational leaders to address the convergence of nanotechnology and biotechnology. The Technology Convergence Consortium is designed to connect entrepreneurs with resources, bring San Francisco Bay Area universities and national labs together, create jobs, locate federal and state financial support, and serve as a political advocate for the industry.

Nanotech Equipment Manufacturer, MFIC Corporation Featured in Interview with on the Subject of Its Microfluidizer Processor Equipment Line and Completion of Financing
At the request of ("CEOcast") Irwin Gruverman, CEO and Chairman of MFIC Corporation [profile] was interviewed on April 30, 2004 by Michael Wachs on the subject of MFIC's recent completion of its successful financial restructuring and its ongoing contribution to American manufacturing excellence in a range of products. MFIC provides the leading edge high performance mixing and formulation equipment available to the biotech, pharmaceutical, coatings, paints, chemical, and food industries. The interview can be heard online at and serves to familiarize investors with MFIC, giving them insight into the background, performance, products and management team of the Company.

May 2004 Nanotechnology Conference to Showcase Cutting-Edge Products, Resources and Programs
HARRISBURG, Pa., May 5 /PRNewswire/ -- On behalf of Pennsylvania [profile] Governor Edward G. Rendell, Community and Economic Development Secretary Dennis Yablonsky today announced that "The Business of Nano" conference will be held May 25-26 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia to showcase innovative products, resources and programs that are accelerating the adoption and application of nanotechnology throughout the state.

Nanogen Issued Patent for Electronic Devices for Active Biological Operations
SAN DIEGO, May 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Nanogen, Inc. [profile], developer of molecular and point-of-care diagnostic products, announced today that it was issued U.S. Patent No. 6,726,880, "Electronic Devices for Performing Active Biological Operations and Method of Using Same," by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The '880 patent relates to new devices that enable increased sensitivity of active, programmable electronic matrix (APEX) devices and perform actions such as concentration and assembly of biological materials on a substrate.

Glimmerglass Chooses MEMSCAP for Breakthrough Products Manufacturing; Photonic Switching Leader Recognizes MEMSCAP as a Key Supplier to Fuel Its Growth
GRENOBLE, France & DURHAM, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 5, 2004--MEMSCAP [profile], the leading provider of innovative solutions based on MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) technology, today announced that it has been chosen by Glimmerglass, a pioneer of transparent connectivity, as a key supplier of production-level MEMS components. Additionally, Glimmerglass recently awarded MEMSCAP's North Carolina Manufacturing Unit with the Glimmerglass "Key Supplier Performance Award."

Sequoia Pacific Research Company's SoilSET Named as Finalist for 2004 Utah Innovation Award
DRAPER, Utah, May 4 /PRNewswire/ -- Sequoia Pacific Research Company [profile] today announced its SoilSET has been named one of three finalists for the 2004 Utah Innovation Awards in the chemicals, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals category. The Utah Innovation Awards is a program that recognizes significant technology innovations and the Utah companies involved in their creation.

Kopin CEO Featured Speaker at Blue 2004 Conference in Taiwan; Nanosemiconductor Pioneer Dr. John C. C. Fan to Review and Discuss GaN Technologies
TAUNTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 4, 2004--Kopin Corp. [profile] CEO Dr. John C. C. Fan will be a featured guest speaker at CompoundSemi Online's "Blue 2004: Advanced LEDs & Lasers" conference, taking place May 11 - 12, 2004, in Hsinchu, Taiwan. The conference is the world's premier gathering of LED and laser experts.

ChevronTexaco Produces Research Quantities of Diamond Molecules from Petroleum
ChevronTexaco MolecularDiamond Technologies [profile], a unit of ChevronTexaco Technology Ventures LLC, announced today that it has successfully been able to produce gram quantities of a new class of molecular building blocks called higher diamondoids. These diamondoids, the discovery of which was announced previously, are available immediately for application research and development.

Eikos is Awarded New Air Force Contract to Develop Transparent Carbon Nanotubes -CNT- Polymers for Aircraft Canopies
FRANKLIN, Mass. --(Business Wire)-- May 5, 2004 -- Eikos Inc. [profile], a developer and licensor of highly transparent carbon nanotube (CNT) inks for conductive coatings and circuits, has been awarded an $860,000 contract from the Air Force Research Laboratory to develop transparent conductive polymers specifically for military aircraft canopies.

Samsung to make its new nano-tech products here
Thai Samsung Electronics, a unit of the South Korean electrical-appliance giant Samsung [profile], says it has been selected as the first outlet outside Korea to include new "nano-silver technology" in the production of electrical home appliances.

Molecular Imprints Leads Joint Venture To $36M NIST Advanced Technology Program Award
AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 5, 2004--Molecular Imprints Inc. (MII) [profile], the leading manufacturer of step and flash imprint lithography (S-FIL(tm)) equipment, announces today that a $36M joint venture proposal has been funded by the National Institute of Standards and Technology - Advanced Technology Program (NIST ATP) for the development of nano-imprint lithography at key semiconductor roadmap nodes. The other joint venture partners include KLA-Tencor, Photronics, Motorola Labs, and the University of Texas at Austin.

Small-Tech Attraction
Old-line industrial states seeking to diversify their economic base would do well to follow Michigan's [profile] lead and start small. Sensicore Inc.'s [profile] lab-on-a-chip sensor falls into what some dub "small-tech," a sector that encompasses microtechnology and nanotechnology.

Tegal Corporation Management to Present at AeA Micro Cap Financial Conference
PETALUMA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 5, 2004--Tegal Corporation [profile] (Nasdaq:TGAL), a leading designer and manufacturer of plasma etch and deposition systems used in the production of integrated circuits and nanotechnology devices, today announced that Company CEO Michael Parodi and CFO Thomas Mika will present at the American Electronics Association Micro Cap Financial Conference in Monterey, California.

TEMPE, Ariz., April 27, 2004 —DuPont Air Products NanoMaterials L.L.C. [profile] (DA NanoMaterials), a 50/50 joint venture of DuPont and Air Products, today announced that it is expanding its electronic polishing and planarization business. Each parent company will be adding newly acquired Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) slurry businesses to the DA NanoMaterials portfolio. The expansion strengthens the joint venture’s product portfolio and creates a more substantial presence in the semiconductor industry.

Coventor Releases CoventorWare 2004 MEMS Design Software Suite
Tools provide EDA approach to MEMS product design.
Cary, N.C. (May 3, 2004) - Coventor Inc. [profile] announced the release of CoventorWare 2004, the most comprehensive suite of MEMS design and simulation tools on the market. Coventor has added new modeling and analysis capabilities that go beyond isolated MEMS device design to assist IC designers, package designers and process engineers involved in MEMS product development and manufacturing. CoventorWare is complementary to EDA tools offered by Cadence and Synopsys to build MEMS integrated IC designs.

NanoMaterial Leader Zyvex Introduces Carbon Nanotube-Based Additives for Polyurethanes
RICHARDSON, Texas, May 4 /PRNewswire/ -- Zyvex Corporation [profile] today introduced the first two products in its NanoSolve(TM) line of composite additives at the Polyurethane Manufacturers Association Annual Meeting and Supplier Showcase in Atlanta, Georgia. One product is based on single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), the other is based on multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs). Both products are specially designed for dispersion in polyurethanes. The additives also attach well to the polyurethane matrix, boosting the host material's thermal transport and mechanical properties.

NTERA Secures $9.5 million investment
Leading display technology company utilizing nanostructured materials to expand manufacturing operations and drive revenues internationally. Dublin, Ireland, May 4, 2004, NTERA Ltd. [profile], the market-leading developer of NanoChromics Display technology, has secured US$9.5 million in funding, led by Doughty Hanson Technology Ventures. Existing shareholders also participated in this round of funding. The company has raised a total of $30 million to date. NTERA has developed a visually compelling display known as NanoChromics Displays (NCD) utilizing patented state-of-the-art nanotechnology that offers superior optical performance and cost effectiveness over existing LCD and new display technologies. The new funding moves the company from its research and development phase to full-scale commercial production.

Webcast Alert: Scott Mize to be Keynote Speaker for Trilogy Capital's Online Nanotechnology Forum
Friday, May 7 Webcast Focusing on Emerging Nanotechnology Companies and Developments
Trilogy Capital Partners announced today that Scott Mize, founder of AngstroVision, Inc. [profile], an early stage company focused on creating a breakthrough nano-imaging device, will deliver the keynote presentation for Trilogy's Online Nanotechnology Forum to be webcast on Friday, May 7, at 12:00 pm EDT. The presenting companies for the forum are Biophan Technologies, Inc. [profile] (OTC BB: BIPH), Isonics Corporation [profile] (NASDAQ: ISON), MFIC Corporation (OTC BB: MFIC) and Molecular Imaging Corporation [profile] (OTC BB: MLRI).


May 14, 2004
Fundamentals of Nanotechnology Tutorial

May 16, 2004
Nanotechnology in Manufacturing
May 17, 2004 - May 19, 2004
NanoBusiness 2004

May 18, 2004 - May 19, 2004
Nanomechanics: Sensors and Actuators

May 25, 2004 - May 26, 2004
Pennsylvania Nanotechnology Conference 2004: The Business of Nanotechnology


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